
Ya, I kind of agree with the consensus here. This is a dumb move on Intel's part.

The CDMA version of the iphone is not a rumor. You can chose to believe this or not (who the hell am i, right)...

Please dont post further articles about the usenet.

@38thsignal: iphone does not use proprietary servers for messaging services. Iphone uses standard 3G specs that can be monitored very easily.

@Les Mikesell: Not sure you are serious... But here goes...

Big brother is alive and well in the UAE, and in other middle east countries as well.

One question...

@FriedPeeps: There will be an iphone 4G, sooner than you think.


This is total bull.

@Kaiser-Wilhelm-II: Ya, the chart has the wrong colors for a bunch of sabers, what a bunch of dumb assess, they need to get it right.

hmmm...How original!

Agreed on the stupid name.

I think AT&T is afraid of Verizon's 4G (LTE) roll out occurring later this year. This is not a rumor.

Now this is the kind of subject one should talk about. Thumbs up for the J guys!!!

This kind of truck is used down here in Brazil for regular money transport. I mean all companies use them. Not the druglords.

I don't know how things work elsewhere, but here in Sunny (Rainy etc) Brazil money transport is performed with such trucks ...