Yawn...who pays for this crap?
Yawn...who pays for this crap?
Agreed, the new layout sucks a lot. But, the mother company does not give a shit about what the readers think, and it seems this crappy format is here to stay.
I have been using synergy for close to 5 years now.
I just finished watching the movie...I am speechless.
shoutcast anyone? been listening to that for years...I even donate to the stations that broadcast for free!
Um... just get 2 consoles and 2 tv's less headache than that. Sheesh!
I think this post broke the record on the use of the "F" word...
@Wayne Ripley: grow up...
@drstein: ok, get a penguin :)
get a mac
I just downloaded the "demo". It will run for a while, long enough for you to kick the tires.
Even though this is a conceptually awesome layout, with a beautiful arrangement of firearms I would dream of owning...
@jblues: Yes. I want one!
This is total bull, overslept by an hour. I travel alot and cannot afford this bullshit from a device with the most basic feature - an alarm clock!
I'd buy an unlocked phone as a spare emergency phone when traveling
tversity was forgotten as well, its also free and transcodes on the fly
@codyw: Verizon's initial rollout is "data cards"
Verizon has been showing this as 4G LTE in their recent commercials.