
Upgrade to 7 would be a better bet. Get a bit more performance out of a game.

That’s a bad take. There are ways of giving criticism without being an abusive asshole. This interview would have had a very different tone if that’s how Miyamoto handled things. When you are in a senior position at a company and oversee every major project it does, steering people away from things you think are wrong

Except that I have? (though not in a few days, since the patch last week seemed to put my game in a constant state of crashing)

Well considering my anthem game has been basically unplayable since umm last Fridays “hotfix” I have other reasons to believe Anthem sucks.

To be fair, the only reason he has a thousand enemies is because everyone thinks his final evolution is Fire/Fighting.

I refuse to believe that fire/dark wasn’t a late in development decision to stay away from fire/fighting.

Incineroar is an atrocity in a Fire/Dark skin. Why wasn’t this thing a quadruped? Why does it look like a badly reskinned Fire/Fighting type? Did they just go “shit we need a new type combo, but we’ve already designed this and we’re lazy”?

Elder Scrolls Online is not a good addition to the Elder Scrolls series and I will say why I think this. Despite the engine being antiquated, Skyrim is still super fun to play. It is extremely obvious that ES:Online is a game contracted out to some other company with a different kind of game engine. Its a completely

So, it’s basically the Beta for an MMO that’s been released with none of the social or economic aspects that make those games even somewhat interesting outside of their tired “Four Player Roles,” approach to gameplay.

Just proof that if you think hard enough and get creative enough, you can make anything “offensive”.

rhe·tor·i·cal ques·tion

So then if the deeloper so chooses, they can launch on other platforms like GoG, etc.

Fuck me for not wanting a future where I have 100+ different shitty launchers for my games.

Yes, but Farmer John’s Special Happy Time Cage Free Eggs are a bespoke brand. This is more like Kraft Mac And Cheese, having been sold at grocery stores everywhere (remember, Metro was never a Steam exclusive. You can get the older titles in other storefronts, e.g. GOG), is now deciding to sell at only one specific

monopolistic Steam store

Aside from Valve stuff, anything exclusive to Steam is only exclusive to Steam because it’s the only platform the developer themselves bothered to put it on. Not because they were paid by Steam to make it exclusive.

“I don’t know what a monopoly is, but I just label anything I don’t like ‘a monopoly’ regardless”

There is a difference between someone releasing a game and deciding to only release on one store, and making deals ensuring they only release on your store. 

I think the worst thing about Epic in this whole situation is another light being shone onto the fact that their storefront doesn’t have forums.

‘I don’t want a monopoly, but every major (3rd party developed) release should be on every platform and they can compete for my business with the quality of their platform’ ftfy