Wes Kruse

Maybe we can start a gofundme for a ‘Not the White House Christmas Party’ with April Ryan as guest of honor. I’m sure all the cool celebs & press would show up and the ‘Real WH KKK Party’ will just be sad & empty. Somebody petty with resources should make this happen.

They’re cancelling it because it’s a bad show that no one’s watching.

What you miss is that the outcome of these protests are only at the state level. Federal abortion law remains virtually unchanged since Roe v. Wade. The attacks on abortion, and they have been successful, have been at the state level.

“Go fuck yourself, just-asking-questions “professor.””

Lol, idk if youve ever read the constitution, but a right to say something is different from not being a prick. Everyone in america has the right to say it

That is bullshit my friend.

He’s a better person than you are. He put his life on the line for this country while you’re a third rate hack blogger sipping starbucks lattes

The chance of Trump winning was extremely likely. You were watching CNN polls and not listening to everyday Americans if you believe that to be true.

But what exactly do they stand for? Most of them are just the other side of the same coin. Chasing wealth and power to enrich themselves, their friends and their corporate masters.

To be honest, she self destructed because that’s what white women do under pressure. Hilary did it (still doing it...that book, yeesh). It’s not exclusive to Trump supporters but it is a trait white women tend to exhibit. I’d almost be sad for them if they didn’t try to destroy so many other people while they destroy

yes, people have been made to feel that voting is pointless and that it simply doesnt matter in the big picture. But until the bulk of people wake out of this stupor, gerrymander and voter suppression will only reinforce their beliefs.

You’re very much correct their goal is to keep black and brown people from voting.

Pretty much every single article I’ve ever read that whines about how “no one votes these days” completely fails to mention that this is the desired outcome of decades of legislation specifically designed to make voting inconvenient and expensive. Nope, it’s just those damn lazy Millennials!!!!

If that whole dichotomy thing were true that would make the alt left fucking stalinists or maoists not just antifa(who are really just anarchists who want to fuck shit up). This is of course all because our country needs to “see both sides” and “treat both sides as equals” when that’s not how the fucking world works

“Comments like that are why we lost the election!”

He went to another company for a 30% wage increase. It’s not the answer you want, but it was easier to just gtfo than fight.

Sounds like he fought it by finding a better place to work. You can only fight so much. Say he wins, how much are his managers, who made the decision not to give him a bonus, going to like that challenge to their decision? How would that impact his review the following year? Best to cut your losses and find a better

Yeah... that’s not how our freedoms operate. Not everybody that wants to debate the merits of BLM are fascists, pigs, and white supremacists. But you wanna shut them all down as if they were. Now who is the fascist?

actually no that’s not how it works, lol! try again...

Nobody ever argued speech was ‘equal’, dumbass.