The president salutes because he’s the Commander in Chief of all the armed forces. It’s called RESPECT!
The president salutes because he’s the Commander in Chief of all the armed forces. It’s called RESPECT!
Wow, what a retard! Not everyone on here is an ignorant hood rat. Some are looking for answers to legitimate questions!
What a fucking Idiot! White privilege is made up bullshit to try to make white folks feel bas about being white. Grow up, retard
Do away with the military and see how long we remain America. Dozens of countries would love to see us fall. Go suck your boyfriend some more!
In someone’s position such as Gen. Kelly, you don’t want a NICE guy. He’s kicking ass and taking names.
You deport people because they’re illegal, dumbass. Good or bad, they don’t belong here!
Here’s a question for you Albert. What about all the Latinos who came here legally that don’t want illegals coming in? What about hard working black folks that don’t want illegals coming in? Once again youliberal asshats try to make it about race. I don’t give a damn if the kids are here, they’re not legal to be here.…
Drew, You’re a Fucking douchebag! Mr. Pence is not afraid to eat with a woman, he’s smart not to. Look what happens. Accusations of wrong doing and ruined reputations. He’s the VPOTUS for Christ’s sake. Makes him a prime target. Look what’s happening to Bill O’Reilly. Lost his job over accusations without proof. Mr.…
If that’s the case, you don’t get to speak either because there are those that view you as wrong. Can’t have it both ways
Arrest them for violating her 1st amendment rights. Simple
Why are people wanting the laws obeyed automatically racist!
You really have no clue who the brown shirts were, do you? You just parrot what you see on liberal media outlets. The brown shirts were the violent enforcement arm for the National Socialist Party(Nazis) Sort of like all the peaceful liberal protesters we have now
It’s called being FOR law and order. These fine people want to keep our country safe and secure. Now they have a boss who is letting them do their jobs!
Good for Vermont DMV. Licenses are for citizens and those allowed to be here LEGALLY!
Just remember asshats, those that serve ensure your right to be a cocksucker!
Simple really. The election is over and Soros stopped their funding. Now he’s on to bigger and better things