
That is the finish line. The rest of the pavement is for braking before they reach the gravel/sand. I can’t imaging many people enjoying this short of a track. That’s only 3-4 seconds of racing for most “real” street cars.

I’m guessing this has something to do with the programming of the motor controllers as well. With this much power being sent mostly to the front tires, they must send it to both tires to prevent spin, but in doing so they may be sending it at equal speed which acts sort of like a softer version of a locking

Agreed, but the Fairmont isn’t doing it on this unprepped airport runway. I realize there are also “no prep” drag cars but they severely limit how hard they launch, and those “no prep” surfaces are quite a bit stickier than a dusty runway. 

That’s when the dyno pull actually starts. They pull it up to a predetermined RPM at moderate throttle position (like cruising down the highway), signal that they are ready, then floor it. Once they floor it, it lurches forward and the sound changes.

OMG, I’m outraged that someone got a free car and they funded it by advertising the thing that paid for the car (or the next free car).

Outrage culture is fucking stupid. Mr. Hodge is a hack for writing this. If he’s truly outraged about this “advertisement”, why is he providing more advertisement for MrBeast’s bars

The whole point of selling it outright is to get more money than you can via trade in or one of these used car retailers (both of which are just giving you auction prices for them). If you’re going to post a screenshot of the retailer offer, you’re locking yourself into a price just slightly higher (and way more

When our charging infrastructure can handle the majority of vehicles on the road being EV’s, and when our grid can handle the majority of vehicles on the road being EV’s that charge from that grid, and when our grid is not dependent on burning coal, and when battery technology advances to the point where we don’t have

It was a sarcastic joke.

I’m so outraged that people got fired for criticizing their boss. Never before in history has this happened. What ever happened to free speech allowing these folks to say whatever they want without consequences?

You’re misunderstanding what sunk/sunken/submerged means. Sunken does not mean it’s entirely under water. It means it’s “submerged especially : lying at the bottom of a body of water” according Merriam-Webster. This boat was lying at the bottom of this body of water. The definition doesn’t change simply because the

Those are floating docks, so they rise and fall with the water level. You can also see from the image connected to the headline that the top half was not submerged. 

Those are floating docks, so they rise and fall with the water level.

Huge downgrade, hopefully it grows on me over time. Front is FUGLY in my opinion. Rear and side are fine. Interior looks like an SUV (except for the Recaros).

Garage Squad doesn’t involve any cars “getting away” but rather being stuck on jack stands for eternity. The owner is also in on the restoration (and helps them do so). So it’s not really the same, other than they fix up a car for them (in which case there are hundreds of “we fix up cars for people” shows you could

No idea about the Vette, sounds reasonable though. But does this Charger have paddles?

But in the intro video, the car keeps moving at a steady (slow) speed. You can’t do what you’re describing while maintaining speed. Furthermore, electric vehicles don’t have a torque converter, they are direct connected, so there is no “rev” available unless it’s got a way to decouple the driveline (like a clutch), or

Sounds about right...

Possibly, but in the intro video the car keeps moving at a steady (slow) pace while revving which “appears” to indicate it’s being powered the whole time, not coasting and then going back to drive mode. 

The question I have is how do you “free rev” an electric car like they did in the video without having a clutch to decouple the motors from the axles? Is it a separate “noise pedal”? Is there a “rev” button you push that allows you to press the “go pedal” and only make noise while maintaining the current speed? Is it

There are only two ways to create “wind” in that pipe to make noise...with a pulsing surface creating a sound wave (aka a speaker) or with a fan and some sort of wall that pulses to block the wind to create fake pulses like a speaker would. There is no way they are creating 126 dB of sound without amplification