Josh Anderson Cooper

Well we know who is going to be first up against the wall when the revolution comes.

Same. I hope they get fired though. But while they’re here I might as well make the best of it.

Seriously confused here on the law surrounding press passes.  I had assumed that press passes can be given and retracted based on whims.  Apparently this is not accurate.  Can someone give me a layman’s explanation of the law around press passes?  They never came up on Law & Order so I don’t understand them.

In the UK, the party gets to choose who runs for election in each district. This gives the party and extreme amount of control over the individual MP. There are certain votes that are basically “you vote with us or you’re out of parliament at the next election.”  It’s not like here where you just run in the primary

From what I understand the government won’t be doing that as long as you’ve been in the UK for however long, but nothing stops them from deporting them at a later date.

If we want to look at our system of punishment as rehabilitation, then stuff like this should be a high priority.

Plus they’re different parts of speech.  You watch a porno. You are watching porn.

Shit, I learned that there’s a person named Jeremy Renner.

Prorogued, my man. They’re taking a late summer/early fall recess.

This is correct. I’ve explained this to my friends and family who don’t understand it as “imagine if Ohio decided it wanted to be be independent.”

A No Confidence motion would then require the Queen to see if Labour can put together a working government, and if not, new elections.  New elections would give parliament still a very short amount of time to debate Brexit.

It’s certainly one of the reasons, but not the only reason.

And soon we’ll have troops in Afghanistan that were not yet born when we first invaded.

The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.

Because the entire point is that they’re trying to put traditional taxi services out of business and then they can jack up the prices.

Have you seen the rates on long-term bonds lately? They’re looking for anything to invest in, even if it’s a farce.

I’m not so sure. The only reason that Uber/Lyft is as (un)profitable as it is is because they’re squeezing the hell out of the contractors to make below-market taxi services.

Yes. If a few shingles get blown of his roof, somehow he’ll have FEMA renovating the entire place.

Yeah that’s why I come back every day.

I’m confused as to why someone would degrade themselves in that matter. For instance, I like Bernie Sanders (among others). I would never begin to consider a job that would require me to say he’s not a 77-year-old Jewish man from New York.