
You also can’t claim “Very few people who are old enough to remember the case in the early 90s believe Dylan” because there’s no accurate way to measure that. What can be said, however, is that, most often, when people have expressed doubt about Dylan’s story, it has been based on misinformation like you have here

That’ll do, Hitler.

Having a child is not a privilege. That is eugenics. Fuck right off with that.

You mean he reminds you of DREAMBOAT McDREAMBOATERSON from falicity? God, he was handsome.

When I first got to undergrad back in 2008 and met the person who’d become my best friend, I was floored when we were having a conversation - can’t even remember about what - and she said “I feel...”

It is not a “millennial” thing. People often use “I feel” as a qualifier when they have less power than the person they are speaking to - and are afraid of being shut down or dismissed. Most often, I hear it when someone is speaking to their boss or someone who has more authority in the work place.

Rather than condemn millennials—and those, shall we say, contaminated by them—for shirking “responsibility” through discourse, let’s acknowledge our more pressing duty: to stop policing speech, and instead welcome the voices clamoring to be heard.

Oh yes, I agree. But I know many people are sex positive and view critiques of porn as an attack on that. I don’t think its contributing to all the social ills that some people think it does, however, I am confident in saying it creates unrealistic expectations in boys and girls, and therefore can absolutely

It’s a sadistic way of reinforcing the myth that women- and indeed infants with no chance at life- should prove the sanctity of life through unimaginable suffering.

I’ve gathered you’re quite popular around here, so I’m probably going to get my ass handed to me for even asking you this, BUT:

Sweden did it and it dramatically reduced trafficking.

It’s ridiculous and infuriating. Look, it’s a paleontologist and a “The Flintstones was a documentary” guy arguing over the fossil record and evolution! Fairness! Balance!

I need advice from any of you Jezzies that have been through severe depression.

I might be wrong, but it sounds to me like you’re not Muslim, you’re not Mexican, you’re not black, not a journalist, not any of the other groups who are directly in Trump’s crosshairs. Since your life won't really change, you have the luxury of sitting this one out even if it means President Trump. Sorry America!

I don’t get it at all. I voted for Bernie in my state’s primary, but it makes literally no sense to sit this one out. She might not be as progressive as I’d like, but at least she won’t be sending us backwards. And we can keep pressure on her throughout her presidency to come through with her campaign promises. But

I found this very moving.

I feel you. I’m also married to a good dude and was trying to explain the frustration that there is nothing with our kids that I never do, while he has quite the list (cutting their nails, haircuts, vaccines, check-ups, all the fun stuff). There is an inherent unfairness to motherhood that I wasn’t quite prepared for.

Motherhood/marriage-related rant (and I apologize in advance for the TMI/grossness/bummer content). So, my younger daughter has been complaining of abdominal pain for some time now, and I decided to investigate. So far she’s been diagnosed with a quite severe lactose intolerance and the doctor wants to test for

Might i make a suggestion? If you like, you can go back to older comment so that your anonymity is better protected. That way no one commenting/lurking/reading now will see?

Paraphrasing a comment from another poster: