

We are approaching our 5th anniversary and in that time we have experienced me moving to my husband’s country after only ever dating long distance, having a child within the first year and a half, having that child basically never sleep for more than 2 hours straight for the first year, me being diagnosed with a

You misattributed the quote from Jordan Horowitz, a producer of the film, to Justin Hurwitz, the composer of the film. I am not a La La Land superfan, I just noticed this because Jordan Horowitz was a classmate of mine in college.

“with the outcome expected to dictate whether the country will break from the European Union.”

Just going to go ahead and brag that I saw her at the AfroPunk festival in Brooklyn lots of years ago before she was at all famous and was like two feet from the stage and turned to my friend and said “She is going to be super famous one day.” Glad I was right. She deserves it.

But why do we assume she did it intentionally? My husband was born in Afghanistan and grew up in Denmark where I moved to be with him. So when we go to dinner at his parents’ house there are 4 languages spoken at the table, Pashto, Danish, English, and Russian because my sister-in-law’s husband is also afghan but

Well I had to have a physical that with my doctor and fill out a form that included very specific questions about mental health before getting a regular driver’s licence. I have had treatment for mental health issues but all those records were from the US and not in the Danish system. So I didn’t disclose the info.

Well I agree that this is a scary bill but privacy issues exist in state-run systems as well. For instance here in Denmark having a history of treatment for mental illness can prevent you from getting jobs, or a driver’s license. I just always feel the need to pipe in when people start to sound a little too

I had a friend who was in a horribly toxic relationship and here is what I said: ‘This is really hard for me to say and I have held off saying it for a long time because I respect you so much and trust you to make decisions that are best for you. This relationship you are in is not one I would choose for you. I

Look, every single country in Europe has their own shit. The European Union could very likely fall apart in the next couple of years. If a French person gives you shit ask them about Marie Le Pen. And if a British person gives you a hard time ask them about Brexit. Or my personal favorite response is: It’s true,

I worked with him. Talk about a distraction.......

Well no. It’s incredibly xenophobic and conformity is the highest social value here so anyone who doesn’t conform has a very rough time. It’s true they always top the list on happiness surveys but it is also true that it is a tiny country where everybody is so aware of happiness surveys that the results are suspect.

Yeah I agree, Danish kids are the same.

I’m quite certain that no Dane cares a bit what you think of their policies. However, as my name would suggest, I am not here to defend Denmark.

In Denmark it’s illegal and as a foreigner coming into Denmark I had to sign paperwork that stated I understood it was illegal and that I wouldn’t do it. So the Danes have decided this issue as a society.

As someone whose in-laws tried to disown my husband to prevent him from marrying me and got married with only friends at city hall as a result, here is my advice. This isn’t about your wedding, it’s about your marriage. You want to begin your marriage the way you would like to continue it. It sounds to me like while

Is this comment directed towards me specifically? Because I have already undertaken motherhood. And look everyone has great intentions and then life is really complicated and parenthood is the most complicated. My view three years in is that there are evolutionary and biological imperatives that require enormous

I feel like having a kid is such a transformative experience that I can’t really say that I chose it. Sure I chose to do it, but I, like literally every other human on the planet, really had no idea what I was actually choosing. And I feel like the burdens of the early years of raising kids are so inherently greater

I missed that in this piece but is there no part of you that finds marriage and motherhood oppressive? I mean I love my husband and kid but I feel that marriage and motherhood challenge my feminism daily. I don’t feel like a bad feminist, I feel like a woman trying to create a meaningful life and to care for the

I am feeling a lot of this right now too and trying to square this with being married and living with a man and dealing with a man every damn day is challenging. But since my husband has to deal with living with a white person every day (I am, he is not) it somehow makes it manageable for us. Because he still does and