And as a mixed raced child who had a white mother who took every single racial and sexist battle - and won them, I’ll say: the exhaustion is worth it.
Rubio talks about Muslims like they’re bears.
No. They lied to innocent people. Their sexual relationships with these women amount to rape. They fathered children that they don’t take care of. They obtained zero useful law enforcement information.
Oh, honey. Did you read past page one? Men are called “offensive names” and “embarrassed.”
The idea that successfully holding down a job and making rent entitles you to complete freedom from perceiving the unhappiness of others is so breathtakingly narcissistic.
“We live in a free market society,” maybe?
“I shouldn’t have to see the pain, struggle, and despair of homeless people to and from my way to work every day.”
“ can understand how Lori Maddox could have possibly developed not just a sincere desire to fuck adult men but the channels to do it basically in public; why an entire scene encouraged her, photographed her, gave her drugs that made all of it feel better, loved her for it, celebrated her for it, for years. You…
Seriously. Originalism is just dumb. And he was a bigot who wrote a cheeky turn of phrase. Can we all move on now?
Always love the “it’s not in the Constitution” hypocrisy. If Scalia et al want something: “It’s not prohibited by the Constitution!” And if they don’t want it: “It’s not specifically protected by the Constitution!”
also, lol, his use of torture is basically an understanding of torture from the show 24, which is not real life.
These standards DO apply to adults in the real world. If I made a racist remark to someone at work, I would lose my job. If we want to treat college students like adults, then they to need to understand that even legal actions can have unfavorable consequences.
If you’re going with the college student = adult analogy, then you must extend it to college = work. If visitors were coming to tour my workplace and a group of coworkers behaved in this manner, they would be fired immediately.
The college disciplining them does not violate their free speech.
Why is this debate making people, especially ones I don’t hate, say some stupid ass shit?
Yep. Another delusional, narcissistic billionaire in the race. That’s just what we need to diversify the candidate pool. I hope Cruz gets the win, which leads Trump to run as an independent too. Who wouldn’t want a Cruz / Trump / Bloomberg / Clinton or Sanders face-off? Let’s go full clusterfuck in 2016.
Seriously. I’d happily vote for Hillary, so it’s not Bernie bias to say so. How can that be read as anything but a threat? Serious Independent candidates are ALWAYS suicide runs that destroy whatever political side they are closest to, and we all know it.
Being a sore loser and not conceding when he loses, shit talking the organizations when he doesn’t get their endorsements, stealing campaign data, whining about the establishment when he almost exclusively gets positive press and now constantly changing the conditions after agreeing to them - it’s Bernie’s world…
Okay, as someone who has never purchased shoes at a place fancier than Nordstrom rack (and that’s if I’m being my super fanciest) - enlighten me - are there shoes out there that are really worth the price of a Blahnik or Louboutin? Do they last a long time? Are they comfortable? Are they seriously that much prettier…