
Half glass full is just fine for the thread also. :)

Situational/regional depression can be quite the frownie face.
(may or may not know that of which ye speaks)
If one’s spirit doesn’t vibe with the energy of the land and it’s inhabitants, it can be quite the drag.

Perhaps has something to do with his humiliating and cruel misogynistic brand of humor, no?

Now playing

Not sure where you get the idea that living and working outside one’s home country is a privilege of the rich and lucky. Me, and the others I know here, came either as a trailing spouse of a native, or as economic migrants. Neither of those are privileged positions—far from it.

Are you perhaps thinking of American

Gibbs was fired only after a male student saw him photographing a nude female student.

I never watched SATC, and don’t really care to, but HOW DARE YOU CARRIE?!?! CHRIS IN THE MORNING IS THE MOST PERFECT SPECIMEN!

Will do. Also: your comments above are spot f-ing on regarding total lack of awareness of institutionalized racism, and the bizarre insistence by some on this site that anyone who immigrates to Europe should simultaneously be gainfully employed on a full-time basis AND have the time to learn a new language from

“every new citizen (and this includes people here one temp work visas) must be enrolled in a German class at the Volkshochschule if their proficiency is less than B1/2.”

Dude, we should commiserate! I’m also stranded in Denmark, and know *exactly* what you’re talking about re: the horrifying xenophobia. I have no idea how to PM anyone on this site—do you?

You support Cosby so your view on anything is invalid.

I am living there and I agree with you 100%. I also would like to stress that no, there is no huge, scary mob of brown-skinned men harassing women here all the time, as some commenters on here claim. I have only ever been catcalled and harassed during my time in Eastern Germany, in a city with hardly any immigrants at

I’ve been here eight of the past 10 years and have permanent residency. I’ve lived in four states, and am in a city of about 100,000 in the east right now. However, I’ve also lived in areas where the “big city” has had a population of 8,000.

I live in Vienna. I am a dual citizen with a good passive knowledge of German but not an active one. Unless you live in bu-fu nowhere, people speak English. Menus are most certainly in English. Amt workers speak English, Turkish, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, and on and on. In Austria unless you are a spouse here on a

I’m sorry, but if you want to live in The Netherlands you also have to learn the language and enroll in a class, but we do our level best to make sure you’ll understand the documents and letters given to you by providing translations when neccessary. Please don’t twist our habit of teaching the kids in our country

Wow. France only has 1 official language and very strong programs enforcing that with recent immigrants and it only serves to disenfranchise non-French speakers more, into those same classes you say aren’t ghetto-ized for immigrants. Here in the US because English isn’t an official language, we often make an effort to

What’s happening in Denmark is frightening and I just don’t understand at fucking all.

Not to mention, adults are biologically handicapped when it comes to adopting new languages. Our brains aren’t built for it. That’s why, for all but a lucky few, it takes years of intense focused study to even get more than a survival usage. And when you’re busy as a new immigrant putting food on the table, when are

Yeah, no. I live in Sweden, I’m an American expat and I have B1/B2 fluency (I’m a terrible speller) in Swedish. I also lived in Marburg for a year, so I have _some_ idea of the system you guys have (Have you dropped the special rules for Turkish “guest workers” and their descendants yet???). Scandinavia isn’t even

Erm, German here. I’m quite familiar with how the Tagesschau is positioned. As much as I like to bash our not-always-all-that-independent state TV, I can’t fault a US site for using information quoted on THE German TV news outlet.

Yeah. Get rid of those immigrants! After all, name just one time where large groups of Germans got together violently in the streets before this sort of immigration.

Just a small, but very important correction: The 1000+ men are not all perpetrators. Basically, before the attack happened there was a random gathering of 1000+ drunk men who were shooting fireworks into the crowds and starting fights etc. Only a small fraction of these men started the assaults and robberies against