I...fully support a kid not getting an iPhone till after they’re 15
I...fully support a kid not getting an iPhone till after they’re 15
I always avoid the 13th/14th century wings of art museums. Baby Jesuses with adult proportions freak me out.
Are your elected representatives Christian enough? I would say, “Very much yes,” but apparently I am wrong.
I think you need to understand the mindset of the typical politician. Even beyond the actual benefits of pretending he’s a serious presidential contender, he gets to go places and people cheer for him and wave their signs.
i pity you for not understanding that what you said is exactly right
Not sure. The dancers are all being “sexy” but at the same time, the video gives the vibe of a bunch of girls out having fun and mugging for the camera, as if there weren’t any guys around.
It has everything a good music video should: a catchy beat, amazing dancers decked out in the best ‘90s gear, and the conspicuous absence of the male gaze.
Not gonna lie, this is one of my fears as my only child, my son, is leaving for college this summer. I’ve been a SAHM, a decision my husband and I made before the kid was born, and I have zero regrets, but I’ve seen many changes just the past few months, as he has a full school schedule, plays in the jazz band so he…
A few months ago, there was a really strong and strange (to me) critique of the movie Hot Girls Wanted for shining a light on an aspect of the porn industry that is very woman un-friendly. The article read to me like it was accusing the documentary producers of taking a hardline, anti-porn stand, which I don’t think…
I think you’re conflating kink with sexuality, which I understand is something that people in the BDSM community (and others) have argued. While I understand that argument, I have to respectfully disagree that one’s kink is at the same level as one’s sexuality. I believe that to be into BDSM is distinct from being gay.
I’m sorry, I don’t agree with you. Unless you can back up your assertions with something more than your say-so.
I don’t judge individuals but let’s say I am suspicious of how many dudes have fantasies that align perfectly with existing patriarchal norms.
Right on. This “I choose my choice” brand of feminism is perfectly unhelpful. Nobody is saying you’re not allowed to like what you like, but when they suggest that maybe you like something that you wouldn’t like had it not been for the toxic culture you’ve soaked up since birth, they’re not passing judgement on you as…
And she had a great line of “I don’t judge individuals but let’s say I am suspicious of how many dudes have fantasies that align perfectly with existing patriarchal norms.”
Well, his public image prior to this was as the guy who was not a threat or disgustingly porn-y.
As someone who recently finished a one month rotation at a teaching hospital for OB, I have to strongly disagree with many of the author’s assertions. I think the assumption that most physicians practice in the manner in which the author describes are inaccurate and I question what evidence the author had in making…
There are deep underlying issues in *every* contemporary culture (except maybe Colorado weedsters and marine algae nerds?) that aren’t compatible and lean violent. It’s not Islam, it’s people. Islam just happens to have an organized geopolitical rallying point right now that claims Muslim legitimacy.
islamic culture or extremist fundamentalism? bc the latter seems pretty compatible with the values many people in the west on an equally fundamentalist front seem to have (i am thinking in particular of religious fundamentalists that think the morning after pill is killing babies and that women who leave the house to…
It sounds like you might need to check why this is bothering you so much. Based on what little detail you provided “could stand to lose 10 pounds” doesn’t represent a health risk by any means so why is it important? Is it just about the way she looks?
Whatever you do - don’t push dieting on an 8 year old kid. Push eating healthy, serve smaller portions, push exercise but don’t push the “you’re overweight” aspect.