Take your star and gt out.
Take your star and gt out.
Its a pretty neat little package, and for a camper version, the price is not bad at all! NP!!
It's not my favorite body style F-series, but that's a NP, all day.
Is there no way to waterproof this one connector?
Yeah. Is it the controller? Is it the installation? Is it something else entirely? I guarantee tools will be thrown before its figured out.
I'm going with a reluctant ND. It looks REALLY good, and if the intermittent issues weren't there, I'd probably give it a thumbs up.
This is a tragically correct thought. Star for you!
I also love the SSR, but THAT SSR... oof.
Yesterday was HELL NO! But today, it’s a HECK YEAH!!
I own the car you want. ‘08 Pontiac G6 GT convertible. FWD, comfortable, a great cruiser, and it’s been reliable for me. I’m at 125k, and it’s still going strong.
If Miata is always the answer, how about a Miata wagon/shooting brake? A new version of the clownshoe maybe?
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
NO!!! HELL NO!!!
I’ll go NP on this. Looks good, and I'm not getting my knickers in a twist over originality at this price.
As someone who was recently shopping for a used motorcycle, I've seen similar bikes, and this one seems to be priced on par with them. It's not the kind of bike I wanted or bought, but I'm calling it NP.
Old enough not to care about it, but new enough not to be a TOTAL death trap, PLUS a red interior, all for just $2500?!?
I’m calling this an irrational NP!
I’m gonna say neigh, and because of the interior travesty, this pony needs to be sent to the glue factory.
That is a LOT of cabbage for nostalgia. Nostalgia I don’t have.
4th gen Lincoln Continental.