Anthony Thornton

Some people just want to watch the world burn.

NO!!! HELL NO!!!

I’ll go NP on this. Looks good, and I'm not getting my knickers in a twist over originality at this price.

As someone who was recently shopping for a used motorcycle, I've seen similar bikes, and this one seems to be priced on par with them. It's not the kind of bike I wanted or bought, but I'm calling it NP.

Old enough not to care about it, but new enough not to be a TOTAL death trap, PLUS a red interior, all for just $2500?!?

I’m calling this an irrational NP!

I’m gonna say neigh, and because of the interior travesty, this pony needs to be sent to the glue factory.

That is a LOT of cabbage for nostalgia. Nostalgia I don’t have.

4th gen Lincoln Continental.


It looks pretty good, especially on those wheels, and while I wouldn’t pay the Porsche tax, I think the price is reasonable.

There are a lot of candidates for this list, but I’m going with one of the more attainable ones.

Well, it’s pretty clean, and that’s a great color. It’s not for ME, but it’s not a bad deal!

The first new car I bought was a 1995 Geo Tracker, and I loved it! I drove it for years, and mu oldest kid learned to drive on it. It was dang near bulletproof! When we finally got rid of it, it still had its original clutch and rear brakes.

A running, driving, stick shift Swedish convertible from the land of no road salt for under four grand?!? NP at his original price, much less five hundred smackers less!!!

Boy, they are really asking ALL the money for this. The only person I can think of who would buy this at anywhere NEAR almost $35k is the person who has one of nearly every BMW, and they’re looking to complete their collection. Does that person even exist, and are they gonna buy from a BHPH lot?

This was an estate sale car recently, I guarantee it.

While I love that Maserati exists, and cars like this are extremely tempting, I have ZERO desire to own one as transportation at any price.

I'm gonna call this a NP. It looks to be a pretty solid base for building a hot rod. Looks fairly rust free, too!

Ooo, man. That thing is a gas hawg, but boy is it clean.