
Societies are built on the idea that people have the capacity to resist their baser urges for the most part. Abstinence only education doesn’t work because there are people out there who won’t be able to manage abstaining but that doesn’t mean that everybody is just fucking each other whenever and where ever they can

Wow, my experience could not be more different from yours. Every single woman I’m close with, from thin to fat, in different parts of the world, from all walks of life, has dieted. There was a period of time where I had to ask my friends to stop talking about Weight Watchers because I just couldn’t deal with them

I don’t want to scare you but my ex was totally cheating all the times he said he wasn’t. He a had a girlfriend who also didn’t know about me for the last 6 months of our relationship. Contact the lady and ask her! Your gut is always on the right track ...

I just got called the equivalent of an Islamaphobic bigot because I think the newly registered anti-vax party in Australia should be hung out to dry by the media. If that makes me a bigot, so be it.

My troll, do you mean this guy? He’s rude AF whatever.

Where can I buy an Angel Barta original? I haven’t seen any on the racks lately. Or ever.

So what you’re saying is that while people can’t do anything either without offending someone, or being accused of appropriating a culture. So they have to leave their hair “white” and wear “while people” clothes and only make and/or listen to “white people” music.

I totally agree with (d)! Using pastel dreads doesn’t seem bad to me, since I don’t associate pastel dreads as part of black culture (nor does ancient history). Also, hair is mutable.

No, you’re right. And you’re using common sense, something the writer who wrote this has shown herself incapable of, time and time again.

headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk

I recall that there were plenty of people who said maybe we should pump the brakes on this story since parts of it aren’t adding up. Granted, those people were tarred and feathered on Jezebel and Gawker, but they certainly existed. One particular person was roundly ridiculed for daring to question the story and

All parties mentioned are guilty - Jackie for making up a story about rape, Erdeley for omitting even the most basic journalistic standards, like checking the time lines, contacting witnesses mentioned in the story to corroborate Jackie’s account and talking to the accused and last but not least RS Magazine, for

As a foreigner, if (you?) people elect this man that will be the end of any sympathy I have for America as a functioning nation.

you shoulda heard merlan when she defended the article.

I hope they sue your stupid ass next. How are you still employed?

Even people with journalism degrees from Columbia.

I just want to know what you think the punchline of the joke is. To me the joke is this: “Hey, baby, I’d take you back to my hotel room. (wink, wink) Oh, and then I’d sleep with guys who attractive, unlike you fatty.” The humor (such as it) comes from the misdirect. She pretends to be saying she’d sleep with him,

Ornella is known to be pretty fucking obnoxious (for some reason one of my cousins loves her). So yeah, it was clearly about his weight.

If this was aimed at say Melissa McCarthy or Leslie Jones, Jezebel would be in stage three meltdown right now.

No, it’s not, because if the genders had been reversed, the focus here would have been on the inappropriateness of the joke. Because the gender dynamic is what it is, the focus of this article, and these comments is on Hills inability to “take a joke.”