
OR that Kimye are so strong that their love has turned Whiz and Amber back into BFFs?

Me too!

Thanks for this. I have had a look online and am going to ask my school to send me on a course!

I read this feeling so much recognition, right down to thinking ‘get it over with’ and I have a feeling many many people have similar experiences. Open and honest conversations about these experiences are essential.

I have literally no idea what BFE is though I will Google it now. I didn’t read all down the chain and I was trying to offer you a bit of support as it seemed like you were getting a lot of shit for a theory that turned out to be kinda true, but fuck it whatever, as you were Internet Warrior

Latest news on this being the allegation that the father and daughter were having sex when the youths first approached.

If David Bowie hadn’t just died, this would have been the worst thing I’d heard this year

I know a white guy that was born in Nigeria (to US diplomat parents) and as such got into an American College as an African American. I couldn’t believe that he would use something clearly designed as affirmative action to further benefit himself when he told me. Then I got to know him and it seems entirely in

You don’t necessarily need to tell everyone, but you do need to know that it’s not such a big deal as it first seems. It took me so long to reach a point where I felt comfortable with myself. My initial reaction was that I would never be able to have sex or a relationship again, but that is so far from the truth.

Good work. The more people are honest about having herpes, the easier it will be for each new person diagnosed. I am pretty honest about the fact I have it with my friends and I was so surprised by how many people I knew had it too once I started talking about it. I only wish they’d talked about it sooner so I hadn’t

I love a good divorce. It was my divorceversary last weekend. Five years Free. Such a joy. Have fun x

Well said. He’s a favourite of mine. Have you seen his stand up? HIs stuff about Jared Leto is amazing!

Ohhhhh! But I never managed to make calling them Kyga a thing! I feel like if I’d just had another month or so, it’d have really taken off..

Excellent work. All praise to her and her friends for having a fun and colourful day.

Isn’t that “a little vulgar” to be talking about in public, Ms Winslet?

Yessssssssssss. I’m so excited. I can’t watch this right now cos I’m reaching a class (bad teacher), but as soon as I can get to my office and put it on I will be the most happy.

Had the conversation. Then had the best sex I’ve had in ages. Still some work to do but it was worth the chat.

Someone else commented on the difference between wanting a girl to cum and wanting to make her cum. I think he’s fallen into the latter category - actually more interested in the feeling of pride he’ll get from making it happen than in how good I’ll feel when it does happen. Think I have an interesting conversation

