The Boy is Mine is a work of art. Can we get a law passed to stop anyone from covering it, ever? Every time someone threatens to cover it, it should just get rereleased.
The Boy is Mine is a work of art. Can we get a law passed to stop anyone from covering it, ever? Every time someone threatens to cover it, it should just get rereleased.
Yeah she totally could have gone for him. I guess that it works because he's such an inexperienced interviewer and all of his previous interviewees have been totally charmed by hhow pathetic he is so he's not used to any bad atmosphere. Still boring though.
About bloody time
Yeah you could have. She doesn't state this explicitly but I expect that the short lived nature of the marriage was one of the issues for people who did not support her through the divorce. I think if she'd wanted to discuss the whys of the divorce on Jezebel she would have done so in the article. I'm glad to see you…
I lasted about a year and a half into my marriage at that age. 9 months in I was aching to get out but didn't know how. At my wedding I knew I was making a mistake, but you have made a commitment, people are counting on you, everyone is invested in it- your families, your friends, in my case a step daughter. I…
Thanks for sharing this. I left my husband at 24 and it was the best and hardest decision I ever made. From the outside, it seemed as if I was wholly to blame for the breakdown and as such I lost a lot of friends over it. I spent years believing that I was no good at relationships and that it was all my fault.
Thanks for clarifying. It feels frustrating, you know? On my old burner I was always in the black and it's no fun commenting if you stay in gray!
Please ungray this. It's relevant and I was black last week!
Isn't this the woman that all the survivors love and feel so supported by? It's terrifying that a woman so influential in the lives of the survivors should be so accepting of competely ineffectual 'punishments' such as this.
I've been dealing with a sexual assault case in the high school that I work in over the past week and the girl at the heart of it keeps saying 'I don't want to get him into trouble'. It's not because she doesn't want him punished; it's because she know how much grief she will get from other students if he is punished…
Because all too often, boys shame girls for sexual behaviour and girls shame girls too. Educating both young women and young men about consent, trust and healthy relationships is key. We have to get away from the fall back response of 'that slut was asking for it'.
Please ungray this. It's totally relevant and I was in black just yesterday!
I do find this kind of scary, but mainly because it is such an acceleration of the generation gap. I work with teenage girls and trying to get other adults to understand that these kids live thier lives under a lens is so hard. When there is a sexting incident or something private gets passed around, the go to phrase…
I was replying to try and get you out of the grays haha. Kinda worked...
welcome back to black!
Yeah, you're right. I didn't mean to start speculating. It's just the article is absolutely right. All this 'I'd never' stuff becomes null and void once you're in the relationship yourself.
You just never know what's going on in someone else's relationship. If he's as skilled as manipulator as it seems, she could wholeheartedly believe his version of events. Or be so reliant on him that she sees no other option than to stay with him.
I Love Lucas
I've been gray since I got locked out of my burner and signed on with a new name. It makes me sad and stops me posting as it's no fun if you're not involved in the chat - just whispering from the sidelines...