Octopath 2 has grown to be one of my all time favorite RPGs, and it’s pretty much guaranteed to be called a disappointment in the next earnings call because SE just dropped it on the sidewalk with a shrug. Fucked up.
Octopath 2 has grown to be one of my all time favorite RPGs, and it’s pretty much guaranteed to be called a disappointment in the next earnings call because SE just dropped it on the sidewalk with a shrug. Fucked up.
Couldn’t get past the first minute it was so bad. Like some kids found the waterlogged frames of VHD on the side of the road and dubbed over them in their bedroom.
Pro strat: after each chapter, go to the journal for that character and press start to catch up on all the party banter you may have missed. It’s not a perfect replacement for in-cutscene interaction but it helps for sure.
lol sorry John, I’m not actually mad
“It’s Shigeru Miyamoto’s beloved child, and we accept there will have to be more Pikmin if there’s to be more of everything else we would rather he were focusing on at Nintendo.”
Honestly feel bad for his girlfriend, if the person I was with built a digital wife and spent more time talking to her than me I’d be extremely worried about their mental health.
32 here, everyday I wake up and thank god I never became a "slang when I was young is good and all other slang is bad" person. Seems bleak.
This last week has gotta be funniest twitter has ever been, I’m fuckin dying everyday just scrolling around. Cannot wait to see where we’re at a week from now.
How is this an empty gesture when the producer himself said it wasn’t a big deal and just felt like the normal thing to do if you want your players to be able to express themselves. It's not like this was a big selling point, he was just answering a question.
Disappointing but not surprising coming from YoshiP, who has always done these weirdly rambling non-answers whenever this kind of topic has come up. He’s always struck me as someone whose main concern is avoiding “controversy” above all else, without ever giving any real thought to the consequences of using The Gamers…
If my time playing Gran Turismo translates to the real world (lmao), cars need to slow down quite a bit to hug the inner lines compared to their max speed. Now normally this is a net gain because there’s no way to turn sharp enough at max speed to stay off the wall regardless of your line, but in this case he’s…
For only $19.99 a month, you can access Ultra Color(tm) on your Google Eyes and unlock a whole new world! (Only available in certain markets.)
This looks so good, give me that palace intrigue plus anime kaiju nonsense
Would truly love to know how you came to the belief that the entire VA work for the main character of a big game is only one week.
I don’t know much about current VR tech, but wouldn’t you need, well, a motion capture suit to do anything even close to what was in that clip?
I’m extremely mid-level leadership at my company and have zero management training (basically just stumbled up the ladder through good old basic competence), and even I know the correct response to “even the devs hate our product” is “let’s use this as an opportunity to improve the product” and not “the product is…
I was talking about the zoom call before the trailer lol
For someone whose literal job is acting, Pratt sure did not convince me he has ever even seen a video game. Dude sounded like they were making him adlib with a gun just offscreen moments after he hit a blunt.
Can’t you see you’re not making Chris Pratt better, you’re just making Mario worse