
I also hate it when people have fun for even a single moment.

“What if the first Final Fantasy was a comically low-budget western RPG from 2006" is uh... definitely not what I was looking for here.

Really gotta question the wisdom of a Guardian’s game where you only play as the white guy.

I’m old as hell and playing a game that kinda makes you want to rail her all the time”

Biggest thing is watching for how many of each type they’re using and adjusting accordingly. If they only have one red unit, you probably don’t need more than one blue unit to counter. Their loadout is fixed but yours is fluid which gives you a big advantage. I’ve also found it’s generally better to be more offensive

It’s self contained for now, though Yuffie will definitely be carrying a grudge against them going forward. My guess is we won’t see them again until the inevitable Vincent DLC after Part 2, but I guess anything’s possible. Maybe Weiss will be chilling on the beach with Hojo.

Fort Condor is actually good now! I want them to add it full scale to Part 2 as a Triple Triad type thing, and I truly never thought I’d be saying that.

We’re paying $10 more total in exchange for being able to play the game for 14 extra months. I don’t know, that seem pretty fair to me!

Yeah, it was also too good.

This is cool to look at but if I remember right from when I was a kid, the majority of the fun with Transformers was actually, you know, transforming them.

“Free time” in this case means time when they weren’t working on any specific assigned projects, not like, when they weren’t clocked in. I’d imagine this was done in small bursts between larger projects over a long period of time, without management’s explicit direction.

If a release year falls in a forest but no one around believes it, can it be delayed?

Nah, that implies the airport is for dogs, when in fact it’s for aliens and merely run by dogs. That’s important context!

Looks like the first game but prettier and with ~more stuff~ which is good. Can’t wait to play it in 2022 (PROVE ME WRONG SONY).

Can’t wait to watch my girlfriend play this for the 10th time in four years, but now with like, better textures.

I absolutely love the idea of a group of lawyers scrolling through these relatively tame game titles/screen shots, frowning more and more with each one, occasionally saying a fetish name out loud and looking around confused.

I’d mostly agree with you if this was just some easter egg, but it’s not. By making it a trophy they not only call attention the the entire idea (the vagueness of the trophy description doesn’t really matter when google exists) and also force you to do it if you want to get all the trophies.