Too bad. I'm going to miss his completely terrible unnecessary roughness penalties on 3rd down that keep drives alive.
Too bad. I'm going to miss his completely terrible unnecessary roughness penalties on 3rd down that keep drives alive.
Well, go on. Don't let us stop you.
We are investigating the matter and will make a complete and total mess of it because we are no more skilled at investigations than the average Internet sleuth. We have no business mucking up actual criminal investigations, but research tells us that if we pretend to care people are less likely to withhold their…
NFL lackey [resets clock for days without an incident]
You know, I just remembered this song, one that I never really paid particular attention to until I watched this video and learned the meaning of it. Hope you enjoy it.
He collected everything Elvis, including Elvis’ daughter, Lisa Marie, to whom he briefly was married.
Great to hear some Charlie Mingus on a Friday night! Perhaps the greatest bassist the world has ever known and a certifiably insane dude to boot!
Sometimes you just need a song to make you forget your worries. Here are two that do just that.
Great post. Love that tune. It put me in the mood for some No doubt, but then I’m always in the mood for No Doubt. Here’s one I dig, Ex-Girlfriend.
Hot snakes. I hate the kids and Mingus moanin’. Moanin’ came on while I was stuck on the 169N today. I was struck how awesome it was. That happens often when you’re stuck on a highway with you and your music.
And one more creeptastic Elvis not Costello song that gives me the willies. For a friend. Hahahahaha.
You’re a Friend of Mine
Jackson Browne ...
there is no way to tell the gif was being sarcastic
It takes us a while because we only use two fingers and we spend a lot of time looking for the “ah” key.
Roger Goodell.
All public computers in Boston are a flurry of activity of people racing to inform you that’s not Tom Brady. Luckily, they type slow.
Goddammit, Gawker Media, both Roger Goodell and Daniel Holtzclaw are on my screen at the same time. I can only handle one smug, evil asshole at a time.
I think that the tide is turning. Coming from a LEO family (20 years, four months- retirement countdown is on), I can tell you that not all departments are the same. Not all people are lucky enough to have well funded departments that weed predators out before they are armed and given tacit permission to go hunting.…
Ugh, how horrible to have to be surrounded by the kind of assholes who would support this monster! I'm actually a bit worried for the jury, that they may face retaliation by other cops.