Maybe it’s a movie ahead of it’s culture. It’s playing the long game. Check back when your niece is fifty and see if it’s still considered a “failure”.
Maybe it’s a movie ahead of it’s culture. It’s playing the long game. Check back when your niece is fifty and see if it’s still considered a “failure”.
Hi DUAN team! Here is an eclectic set. I’m doing my damn taxes. This is early for me. :)
Well, I feel like a frayed shoelace at the moment, so that was a good catch on your part.
If BB or anyone else can convince him that shutting up is the best thing to do, then he’ll shut up. I doubt he’d do it just because someone said so, and I personally do not want him to shut up, but if he decides to then I’m sure he’ll do so.
Double stars for you. I guess that’s just another way of saying the republican party in her mind.
I agree to hope so with all my heart.
I read an implication today somewhere, I think in a WaPo story, that some Europeans are worried that this administration is deliberatlly attempting to destroy the current world order by firing up a trade war to start with. Which, amazingly, was something I hadn’t thought of till then in quite that way.
This would, of course, be excellent. I would be fine if they were tramppled by a herd of elephants and/or gored by same, too. Or, you know, gored by a rhino. Or all of the above, I’m not picky.
Winning the White House has made them very confident, hasn’t it?
He’s foul, but I think it’s also important to remember that he is quoted as saying, “power is fear.”. So, I feel some degree of confidence that he does shit like this just because it stirs us up. If we stop paying so much attention to all the crap he says, and just focus on what is actually happening and what to do…
On caveat. These people are not gentlemen.
I never read any of his tweets, and I never listen to any recording of anything he says. I used to think it was stupid when people would say things like, “not my president”, but lately it’s occured to me that he actually isn’t. He’s the president of his base, and that’s it, he does’t give a flying fuck about the rest…
Please allow me to also congratulate you on the use of the word “twat” which is one of my favorites and does not get nearly enough air time.
hahahahahahaha!!!! that’s great!!!
Yes, I’m afraid it is.
That would mean they are being their usualy selves.
It is, however, a public humiliation, which is cheering. I know this is small minded of me. I’m indulging it anyway.
oh thank you, I had forgotten about that.
I fell asleep while typing at work last week. It was the most amazing thing.
It’s not that. It’s just that he finds the idea of “school safety” very soporific.