
Yes, they do like to steal things and put them in random hiding places!

Awwww, how cute! Mine didn't do stuff like that. Angelica used to like taking my wigs (I was a stripper and liked to play dress-up onstage), hiding them under the couch and making nests out of them. I cried when she did that to my favorite strawberry blonde wig. It just wasn't the same wearing the school girl outfit

They are such awesome pets. Other than being stinky poop machines. I'd still have ferrets if it weren't for that. I just couldn't get over the smell (especially 4 of them) and was sick of cleaning up poop constantly. They were litter box trained (with the occasional accident when they were younger), but cleaning that

My ex and I had a ferret, Rikki Tikki Tavi, who fucked shit up.

I had the opposite happen. I was measuring 2 weeks ahead near the end of my pregnancy. I had an ultrasound done at 35 weeks to check on the size of the baby. She was measured at 9lbs 12oz. I ended up getting induced a few days later because they wanted to avoid a c-section since they didn't think I'd be able to

I learned about sex in 3rd grade when I started reading Stephen King novels.

I wanted to see that, too. It looked cute in the selfie, but it wasn't the best representation of it. She has the face for it, I bet it would have looked really cute all done up.

Oh my goodness, that makes my no-no spot tingle. He's hypnotic. I cannot take my eyes off of him.

Yes, Heather Graham is good as well.

I loved her in Requiem for a Dream. And, she was good in Law & Order: SVU when she played a bipolar character (I have a soft spot for anything relating to bipolar disorder). I can go on and on.

My ex (we were together 11 years) was like that. I hated crying around him because I didn't want to deal with it (I loves me some sex, but not as I am crying or right after I cry). He made me cry alot. I eventually taught myself to not cry.

That is awesome. I give "crazy girl" stories intentionally. Mention 12 times in a psych ward. Instant dick repellant.

Tell him you've been in a psych ward 12 times, especially on the first date. I love being able to use this one since it's true. It is definite dick repellant.

I am, too. Ellen Burstyn is awesome. I can't wait to see how she portrays the grandmother. I'm not big on Lifetime movies, but Flowers in the Attic broke my V.C. Andrews cherry and again, Ellen Burstyn is awesome.

Me, too. I'd read the hell out of it. I loves me some V.C. Andrews books. Flowers in the Attic popped my cherry, and I was HOOKED. The books are like crack. I just finished reading the whole Orphans series. I've read pretty much everything. I still have some of her books in my collection. It's a guilty pleasure. Add

I agree with you completely. People can be such assholes when it comes to stuff like that. If they knew what it was like to want to just make their head stop, even if for a second, they'd have a completely different outlook.

As a mentally ill person who has attempted suicide (and failed) numerous times, I also wish people took mental illness more seriously. I believe more people would get help if that stigma was removed. If psychiatric hospitals weren't viewed the way they are, many suicides would be prevented.

I used to love feeling my hamsters' pouches after they stuffed them. It's amazing how much they can fit in there.


Do people not believe you when you tell them that? I have found people are pretty skeptical when I mention the first month as well as the second month of my weightloss journey. I went from 145 to 260 because of a doctor who overdrugged me with psychiatric medications and it made me lazy and eat everything. I decided I