
Sorry to hear about the PTSD, I know what you mean about it can be retraumatizing to rehash. I do an outpatient program that's 2 days a week, 6 hours a day. I used to go a 3rd day, but the state cutting funding to mental health, it got cut. Thank you for the kind words.

I just hope she doesn't go the way of a lot of child stars. Kids have to grow up way too fast in Hollywood.

Whether it's a boy or girl, that child is going to have a messed up life. I'm sure when Pimp Mamma Kris found out it's a girl, she saw dollar signs. I doubt she'd see them as much if it were a boy. That poor girl is going to be trained to be vapid, greedy, money hungry, and will learn from a young age that sex sells.

Yes, I believe so, too.

Especially when they glow. I hear it's a symptom of a new STD introduced to the world by none other than Lindsay Lohan.

Thank you. I have a hard time seeing my good qualities, I'm a very self-conscious person, and don't think highly of myself because of my past (I know, I need to quit dwelling on the past. It's an issue I'm still working on).

I haven't dated in 5 years (I was with my ex during that time. I'm actually still living with him for the sake of our children), it was before the hospitalizations, so I haven't gotten reactions yet. I did go out dancing one night to blow off steam the day I got out of one hospital visit, and a guy was hitting on me

I'm the same with the emotions (I'm borderline, bipolar, depression, PTSD. My emotions are all kinds of effed up). Hope you find a solution soon. Wishing you the best. I always wonder about being upfront with people, how does one bring up "oh, by the way, I was in a psych ward 12 times"? Haha. That's one of the

Thank you. I will have to check out the podcast, it sounds interesting.

Thank you. I agree, I definitely need that. Trying my best.

Thank you. It's frustrating, 5 years I have been in and out of the hospital and guinea pigging a million medications. I have no clue how to talk to people anymore, all I know are the psychiatric stuff, and I can't relate to people just as much as they don't relate to me. I wish there were people outside of the

I don't mind sharing. My first was given to me when I went in the hospital after having false labor. They had me hooked up to a stress test, and it turned out with every contraction, my daughter's heart rate would drop with each contraction. I was given pitocin and had a 6 hour labor. With my youngest, I was measuring

I got out of the hospital almost 2 weeks ago. It was my 12th time there. Did I mention it was for psychiatric issues because I'm bipolar I and get batshit crazy? It sometimes sucks, because not many people (outside a hosptial) can relate to the hospitalizations. Sometimes, I wish I had someone to talk to, but I don't

Do you have any hobbies? When I go to that dark place, I paint, taught myself how to crochet, make jewelry, draw, etc. It really helps getting everything out of your head and focusing on something to keep the mind away from the darkness.

Congratulations and good luck. I am not much help as I had inductions with both of mine.

Congrats on Baby Blue, bet you are excited for your little one to come. I was a blubbering, emotional wreck, I think most mothers are. Good luck with the remainder of your pregnancy. Sending all kinds of "au naturale" vibes your way.

Same here. I thought I'd never be done with being pregnant. And since she was born, somehow 4 years have disappeared...