Still Deadpan Andre Braugher

One of the best things in my toolkit is a cheap irrigation syringe I bought from my vet for a few bucks, as well as a bit of vinyl tubing that fits over the nozzle. It easily reaches into awkward spaces to remove fluids without dripping, like when I had to suck out all the stuff from my manual transmission when I

The part in this story about the studio heads wanting to change the ethnicity of the main characters reminds me of a story my former boss, a Hollywood screenwriter, told me about when he was pitching the story of the Soong sisters, wealthy, educated Chinese women who each married important men who figured heavily in

You need a Mexican place with lots of veggie taco options. 

That kid is ice cold.

*Arrested Development Narrator voice*

It was pretty awesome to see Ms. Chanandler Bong get called down on The Price is Right.

He should have replaced the Diet Coke button with one that would signal two aides to douse him with a cooler of Gatorade every time he signs a bill that infuriates Tucker Carlson.

The eyes are so big because they can’t believe what they’re seeing.

The shocking thing would be if his place was full of Robert Kinkades.

Step one: Don’t be a dick.

Strip it and rip it!

Lease keep the LC, just as an insurance policy. Everyone needs that one friend who can always be relied upon, no matter the situation, time of day or location. Not too many of us are begging for it to be your daily (find a project FJ! Please! Apples to apples it!)...

That’s because their chain mail is actually knit wool!

But do the have to call it “carchitecture”?

Yup, steel got it!

Sorry you didn’t get the new Derelicte campaign.

I went skiing a few years back shortly after replacing the radiator in my Miata. Right before I get to the parking lot at the top of the winding mountain road that I had been sending fairly hard until coming upon some slower drivers, my temp gauge pegged. There was nowhere to pull over; I had to keep going until the