What about Julia Louis-Dreyfus? She’s considered a comedy legend, she’s known for playing authority figures, and was the closest thing to a straight man on Veep.
What about Julia Louis-Dreyfus? She’s considered a comedy legend, she’s known for playing authority figures, and was the closest thing to a straight man on Veep.
I’ve just realised I meant Norway instead of Denmark, but while you’re not wrong, Maria Staveng was such a great contestant I’ve no issue with her returning for the second series.
Wozniak was a joy all series. Regret that I’d never heard of him before...
The American version doesn’t have to have the same feel, but if it wants to then I think the key is that Davies isn’t aggressive, more... disappointed. He’s a headmaster, or a dad. This is important because if the TM is too aggressive in an American way, it becomes confrontational between them and the group - the…
It’s supposed to be getting the international versions too, and the New Zealand and (first two) Danish series were fantastic, so once they’re up there I’d recommend signing up for the free one month trial and binging them.
He has no air of authority, though. I love the guy but he can't be the one in charge of anything. Plus I think he'd be way more entertaining as a participant than host.
This. Greg Davies is irreplaceable. He’s funny. He’s mean. He’s genuinely having a great time. And he’s eight feet tall.
Have you seen an actual 1/1 pyramid? In that context, I think miniature is apt.
Now do Classical Gas.
Update: Javier Bardem has been sued for not dressing up as Ana de Armas.
Bring back Disqus!... God, never thought I'd be saying that.
“Ignatiy, we’re putting the band back together. What do you say?”
What we’d really love would be a revival of pre-Spanfeller AV Club.
Disagree, although the video addresses a different question than the subtitle. Overflow may be due to too much filling, but runny pie filling when serving is probably not due to excess liquid or an inadequate amount of cornstarch, it is probably that your filling did not get hot enough to activate the cornstarch and…
I use the whisk attachment on the Kitchenaid...