
I think Davos is a man who needs a king to serve. He’s seen enough of Jon Snow to think highly of him.

I thought it was just me.

Imitating American media, the need to create ridiculous content.

Blatt was hired for what was supposed to be a long term building plan. He had no NBA coaching experience but with a team that wasn’t expected to win that wasn’t a big deal. Once Lebron joined and Love was acquired it quickly shifted gears to being win NOW, which is what any team would turn into with Lebron James.

Deadspin isn’t going to get enough clicks if they show Kobe love. Someone has to hate to draw traffic. They need the income to pay the Hulkster

Didn’t pay attention to the film I see. He didn’t get mad at Batman for stealing the Kryptonite, he INTENDED for Batman to steal the kryptonite.

True enough, but I also believe that Batman would go out of his way to avoid any killings at all. So much so that if they seemed inevitable, he’d withdraw and reconsider his actions. It just seems wrong for him to blunder forward, machine guns blasting away indiscriminately (not to mention without any regard to where

And we’re supposed to believe the NYPD was successful in organizing the people towards a safe escape? While the Avengers fought the invaders it was the police who took care of evacuation. Riiiiiiiiiight. I mean, these comic movies require a certain amount of disbelief and it seems Marvel movies get much more benefit

How was it contradicted?

Because, police? Superman is intervening in all of the “super” things.

I wrote this to the guy who posted the image:

That’s INSANELY unrealistic though. I mean, where do you live? If an alien force invaded NYC, you think there’s gonna be order? Man, that’s just some bullshit that Marvel fans swallow. 3,000+ people died in 9/11 and that was two towers that were hit. An invading alien force spanning multiple blocks in one of the

The movie didn’t balance the characters right. Superman needed more time IMO. They were trying to do something interesting but at least another 20 minutes were needed to do it, IMO. We should’ve had a scene where we see classic superman saving someone, and we needed more time fleshing out his character. In the film,

The movie didn’t balance the characters right. Superman needed more time IMO. They were trying to do something interesting but at least another 20 minutes were needed to do it, IMO. We should’ve had a scene where we see classic superman saving someone, and we needed more time fleshing out his character. In the film,

Language is very, very important. In the first frame Superman says “the deliberate taking of human - even superhuman life goes against every belief i have and that you have”

Lance Stephenson did something insane, when he drove to the rim with 7 seconds to go for a terrible layup followed by his desperation three.

Because comic movies cannot be anything but haha “fun” and “joy.”

Actually no, it wouldn’t.

b-b-b-b-but wait! batman is insinuating that he needs to be prepared to stop every member of the justice league in case anyone went bad? aren’t they all good and completely incapable of ever being anything less than perfect? isn’t that what people want?