
Not to mention somehow no one died in Avengers 1 during the alien invasion.

When it comes to batman, his no killing is more of a NO MURDERING kind of rule. And technically what batman is doing isn’t even manslaughter if he’s operating in self defense. With the exception of the car chase and the nightmare there isn’t a scene that his actions wouldn’t be considered self defense.

People are just greedy.

I’m not saying the movie was perfect. DC completely fucked up by rushing the movie, but it also shows, IMO, that you can’t just throw such characters together without investing in a proper buildup. The film clearly suffers from the studio trying to use it to jump start their connected universe and would’ve benefitted

Kids have enough media the teaches them those simplistic themes. I don’t expect to go to the movies as a 34 year old man to relive the wonder i felt when i watched Superman as a kid.

Perhaps that’s exactly why we are where we are though. If we simply give kids heroes to emulate without them having the question, “why?” posed to them, making them consider the consequences of their action beyond the action itself the world would be in a different place. We have an entire generation of people who

Honestly, the first two frames are kinda bullshit. IMO one of the big issues with society is that people think goodness is a natural trait and not the result of weighing consequences for our actions and actively working to be good. People want to be coddled, and Superman as an ideal is coddling. The character is out

Ehhhhhhhhh...What I like about this series is that everything with the parents serves as a guide, as a way to push Clark to think about his power and actions and to make his own choice. Other iterations really just credit the parents in such a way where Superman is the result of conditioning, rather than choosing to

I feel like the movie justifies all the exposition Chris Nolan employs. If you don’t explain everything, people won’t go along.

I agree 100%

He didn’t “murder” him.

So. Let’s say a cop did get on the scene and question batman. It would go like this.

If you and I are walking down the street and someone threatens to kill you, and I kill them. I am protected under self defense laws. The movie takes place in Gotham City, which is supposed to be Newark or NYC. Here’s an example of the self defense law in NY.

It wasn’t that bad. Stop overreacting. You comic book nerds kill me. lol

It could also be because it was one of the biggest comic book stories of all time, and that if you put doomsday in a movie and DON’T kill superman you’d be committing comic blasphemy.

Um. Isn’t one of the points with Batman is that he has to WORK his ass off physically and mentally? I don’t know about you, maybe you’ve never touch a weight in your life. But anyone who is going to have a major physical undertaking is going to be WORKING THEIR ASSES OFF. Not to mention, he was building the suit. I

That’s one of the themes of The Dark Knight Rises? Which character with altruistic motives was twisted to evil?

Sorry, it would be ridiculously cheesy to constantly show shit happen to Clark and have the parent’s give him a good ole 1950s lesson in being a good ole boy and rising up. Yawn.

I think the transitions into it were was left people confused.

Sorry, your story doesn’t sound like it would be better. It would be convoluted as all hell.