
And this has all the fingerprints of corporate suits meddling with the development.

They haven’t “earned” Thanos? No,it’s because Thanos is the major villain of the Avengers and one of the biggest villains in their stable. They don’t want to blow their load on Thanos and are milking the fuck out of the setup. It’s strategy based on economics.

Lois isn’t what keeps superman grounded. It’s his life as a human that keeps him grounded, with lois being the center of it.

lol. You know how many people get killed by getting punched in the head then knocking their head on the ground and suffering a brain injury that kills them??

Go back further buddy.

He killed a criminal who was about to kill an innocent person to save them. That is NOT murder. That’s actually considered self defense if you truly want to split hairs.

I mean there’s a difference between murder and manslaughter. The former is a premeditated action, the second is when death occurs in an action. If Batman is trying to prevent a murder from occurring and one of his actions causes a manslaughter, there’s a big difference. Police who shoot innocent bystanders during a

I think that’s to illustrate how far gone the world in that dream has gone, and it’s an homage to older batman movies. Batman doesn’t straight up assassinate people, but let’s not pretend that blowing through a car is somehow worse than the people in other batman movies dying from their injuries a week later in the

How old are you? It’s kind of weak, IMO, to just ride with this belief that every superman movie has to be “because he embodies the best of us” when we know that in real life, the “best of us” still battle inner demons. The superman you want to see is the character that he would’ve been had he been genetically

Let’s be real though, this isn’t one of those things that impacts his public image one way or the other........

I see what you did there.

It’s always acceptable. Period. Someone can look perfectly fine but be dealing with a health issue. So. Don’t be a dick. Easy shit.

That’s the joke, dickwad.

the meme implies that the threat is different. are you a male?

While I agree with you, there’s something special about it being done by the public. We get to feel like a part of it. When it’s private, there’s always that feeling that it’s someone else doing it and we’re merely observers. But such is life.


“game-like” situations.

the one time i try to tweet, and it crashes. I’ll take the blame.

You don’t get it. I simply don’t give enough of a shit to appeal to you. If you did any sort of research whatsoever, even half assedly, you’d likely come across enough material to give you a better idea of what I’m saying.

It’s not analysis. It’s a comment meant to relate something in a way for people to understand. A lot of shit happened in early human history, and we only have the smallest fragments from which we’re trying to put together a very massive puzzle.