
(Given how close and strong Wade and Bron are as friends, this almost has to be some kind of deliberate parody or in-joke between them)

It’s YOU with no relief. Explaining who Superman has been for several decades in the comics doesn’t really do any good. Just because Zack Snyder and others decided to portray Superman in a different way doesn’t negate any previous interpretations. You didn’t like this interpretation; that’s okay. YOUR version of

Movies have for the most part always been commentary on the political zeitgeist. Comics over the generations have done that as well. The big difference is in the size of a movie audience vs. the size of a comic book audience. Most moviegoers are not die-hard comic book readers, which is why we get so many "unfaithful"

Wrong. Its the correct take. Just because the world is full of idiots, it doesn’t mean you have to pander to them. Your only responsibility is to shame them

Falcons End Overplayed, Unfunny Meme

Why is there a picture of Gérard Depardieu?

Okay, I’m with you, but let’s also consider how deep the Spectacle reaches:

Popovich is my favorite person. He does not deal with stupid bullshit but he cares about those who mean a lot to him.

No one has fantasies about their souls being crushed and their dignity being destroyed and then having flashbacks for years about that, which is what rape is. Please rephrase your comment and think about what kink and BDSM is.

Lol, to put that into perspective for you, the world woman’s record for the 100m is 10.49. The high school boy’s record for 100m is 10.98. That’s HIGH SCHOOL BOYS. The woman’s world record doesn’t even QUALIFY you for the olympics in the men’s category.

Or alternatively:

How do four editors leaving put the jobs of dozens in danger? That does not follow. Who is the source and what’s their ax to grind? Editors are not exactly an endangered species. Four editors leave and the site has to close? Four editors leave and its a hard couple weeks to replace them. That’s it. The site closed bc

He hired away some of his old hires, giving ESPN a pretext to close the whole thing? It’s a very flimsy criticism, imo, but there are tons of vehement Simmons haters out there grasping for straws. Instead of looking at this and coming to the logical conclusion, that ESPN is a terrible company, they try to spin at as

I love how white men that claim to live in fear of ‘government tyranny’ and believe that it is righteous to rebel against it are the first ones to insist that all black people should strictly obey every police officer like a submissive dog.