
Your post is full of logical fallacies buddy. You keep continuing to show your true colors. Can you actually say anything about the book Soul on Ice, and not the author? He committed his acts before the book was written and he had admitted to it. I wasn’t talking about Eldridge Cleaver the man, but the work that he

It’s a part of it. If you don’t understand you should do more research. I recommend you read Soul on Ice and see what Eldridge Cleaver has written on the subject of black athletes and white response to them. Again, you’re exposing your very limited view, and its very annoying how arrogant you are.

I’ll put it like this. As sympathetic as I am to women’s rights, I know there’s only so far I can go, and I defer to women from that point on. I realize my experience as a man only gives me so much to work with. I don’t ever, ever act as an authority on gender issues, i empathize as I can and understand there’s

Nope. You clearly just lack perspective. I appreciate you trying though.

Yes, because progress rests on the shoulders of the non old white men group, and not the one who is the most privileged, old white men. Well, I got my answer for the Floyd/McGregor discussion. You may be liberal, but bet and believe that you’re not quite fully qualified to speak on black perspectives. Thanks for your

Let me guess, you’re white? If so, fuck off.

The beating women angle is just what people use to hang their hat on. They don’t really give a shit honestly, because let’s be real, it’s a sport in which the goal is to beat someone’s face in, and the greatest usually come from very rough backgrounds. People hated Mayweather for years before the woman beating

As far as your usage of “aryan” as white:

No Matrix Reloaded Neo vs. Mr Smiths fight?


Dirk has avoided the kind of injuries that end careers for older players. It must be a company decree to shit on Kobe. Fucking lemmings.

How old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?

Kinda sad when you think about it. The corporatocracy of america

Jackson did a good job, but Kerr took them to another level. While Walton is coaching in the interim, this is still Kerr’s team and the playing style that he crafted. Walton is executing it, and the Warriors are playing it to perfection.

That’s alright for me because Lex is somewhat two faced. In that scene we saw three men with their alter egos

I think what stuck out most to me was that it was clearly edited for the Kimmel/TV crowd. It felt like an extended TV spot, not a theatrical trailer. Im looking forward to the film, but I wasn’t a fan of the editing for this trailer at all.

That’s the vibe i got.

You guys are going hard with trolling. Trying to keep your jobs I suppose.

He’s got money for a fast car, he likely had an empty bridge. 108 on a bridge with the right car isn’t outrageous. It’s not smart, but considering that a bridge is usually a mile of straight road that’s nothing.

I was just coming to say that. No respected vet that can help these guys. The Sixers are the worst.