The one that committed genocide and raped and tortured their enemies and forced their conquered neighbors to submit to their ‘leadership’. Yeah, I know a little about them.
The one that committed genocide and raped and tortured their enemies and forced their conquered neighbors to submit to their ‘leadership’. Yeah, I know a little about them.
Fuck the Penguins for winning the cup. Fuck the retards bitching about this meeting.
Or more likely it was self inflicted and is trumped up to cause a scene and garner sympathy. Happens all the fucking time.
Likely wrote it themselves to get sympathy. Fake racial crimes are an epidemic.
More affirmative action for the NBA!!!
You’re right. Whenever an NBA team shows up they should have more white players on their team too.
You protest one way, they protest another. Potayto Potahto.
You’re welcome to take the first boat back to the land of your ancestors. I’m sure you’ll find it more welcoming there. Far away from whitey and all he has done.
How many on staff at Gawker or Univision or whatever far left media conglomerate owns your site voted to the right of democrat last election? And you have the gall to talk about ‘diverse voices’. Fuck off retard.
Oh no you will have to take responsibility for yourself and pay for your elective medication yourself. Darn.
You have no right to attack and disrupt other’s speech. That is assault and should be treated as such. So you crybabies don’t get to throw a temper tantrum every time a Conservative shows up on campus. Go to your safe space and cry losers.
Oh, you’re not as rich as the next guy. Guess I’ll have to kill you.
Pay for your own shit.
It was a sexist policy as it only covered one sex’s birth control. It didn’t pay for condoms for men so why should it only pay for women’s elective birth control?
He’s a Clinton supporter. Of course he’s harassing women. It’s what liberal men do. They actually grab them by the pussy, and the ditzes in Hollywood let them and thank them for it in speeches.
Liberal asshole is asshole and liberal women thank him for it when it can benefit their career. YAWN.
But forcing people to work when they don’t want to isn’t slavery now? Please enlighten me.
You have people using courts to force people to work for them. That is fucking slavery no matter how you slice it. This bill stops slavery from happening and gives people their freedom back.
Should be up to the business if they want to serve anyone. If they don’t like serving congressmen who cheat on their wives they don’t have to. If they don’t want to serve street walking whores, they don’t have to. It’s all part and parcel with the 1'st amendment about freedom of association.
Women are female. A female person is a woman. Don’t be a fag and use the normal language.