We get it Drew, you liberals want everyone to take a knee at all times. Enough.
We get it Drew, you liberals want everyone to take a knee at all times. Enough.
Good. No one wants to be a fan of the show that a whiny bitch like yourself likes. Go away.
Can’t find supplies for her town. Can find time to print edgy t-shirts. Fantastic ‘leader’.
The wife beating and honor killing jokes will be explosive!
Maybe standing in front of pallets full of supplies while bitching about there being no supplies wasn’t a smart move.
It’s not the government’s duty to tell illegals how to stay longer in the country illegally.
No one is forced to play or attend. Exercise your freedom to be somewhere else.
Extracurricular activities are volunteer activities and not part of the school proper. No one is forced to participate and no one is harmed academically if they don’t participate. Obey the rules and policies if you want to play. If you can’t do that, you don’t have to play. Very simple liberal retards.
Nothing is more racist than having to show ID. Ha!
9/10 these instances are self-inflicted for attention.
Cue the fake hate crime report in 10,9,8...
Shouldn’t all the black players just quit? I mean the league and their fans are so racist the players should just quit. I’m sure their college education and skills will allow them to have fulfilling careers outside of football which they seem to hate playing. Plus the CTE will cause them pain and suffering in the…
He should be. His team won the Cup and was invited to the White House. He’s not a prima donna asshole so his team is going.
The free education, the billions of dollars in subsidies and direct payments, the quota’s for jobs, the pandering to. Gawd what a horrible life for them.
You’re right. All black players and fans should stop watching and playing football. I’m sure a few hundred more uneducated black men will have no problem finding any number of jobs suitable for their skills and education.
Sure that hurts a little at the first of the month but I’m sure they’ll manage the rest of the month just fine.
You have the right to act like a jackass. A company has the right to not be associated with jackasses. All part of the same Constitution.
You’re a little retarded aren’t you?
They are using the flag and anthem as a prop in their protest about the killing of black people who are killed attacking cops. But don’t question their patriotism! Don’t ‘politicize’ their actions. They just politicize and attack anyone or thing they don’t agree with politically, but calling them on their bullshit is…
Have a real point, not a provable false reason for acting like a jackass. Supporting criminals isn’t a good reason to protest.