I remember people in here praising him as a genius when he was ranting about Trump. Dude is straight up unstable
I remember people in here praising him as a genius when he was ranting about Trump. Dude is straight up unstable
Hollywood is the only liberal echo chamber harder to penetrate than the blogs. Face it, the country is changing in profound ways. Nobody cares anymore whether you’re offended. That era has ended. Hell, it ended a year ago now. You’re in denial about the way this country and western civilization is changing, and you…
Another woke blogger who, almost a full year later now, still cannot face the fact that he has lost. This hyper sensitive movement has failed and it has directly led to the election of their version of the anti-christ.
Seems like you’re brain is damaged. Sue your mommie poopy pants.
You’re preaching to the echo chamber.
They are an outlet that makes many jokes some of them not PC. Lawyers probably added it in there so employees would not sue for getting offended. I think its worth looking into if it is something standard and if men have to sign it also.
Of course.
I may be a solipsist but I find it difficult to believe that anybody actually cares about US Men’s Soccer, it’s like seeing a bunch of people anguishing over another medal shutout for the US Men’s Winter Olympics Biathlon Team.
pepperish farm remembers.. just like hillary clinton, damn i bet that woman wishes she pulled a leia and died.
“USC announced that it would be declining $5 million from him for an endowment for female filmmakers.”
Pretty sure trying to give his endowment to female filmmakers is how he got into this mess.
They aren’t dumping him for what he did, they’re dumping him because the world found out what they already knew. Remember that.
Ok, so he rightly condemns Trump’s racism. Is he gonna condemn himself for trafficking in misogyny and homophobia for years next?
Nah, fuck you.
If US Soccer isn’t going to clean house now they’re never going to do it. Gulati and Arena need to be sent to the dilithium mines of Rura Penthe.
To what extent were Europeans aware of North/South America prior to Columbus’s arrival?
So...in other words:
But you’re not taking the numbers into account over the “multiple screens and multiple touchpoints”!
It turns out that 90% of those numbers are just Mortys and Ricks watching on their Interdimensional Cable Boxes.
Well, sure, if you add up all the audience figures across parallel universes, you’re going to come up with a pretty large number.