
He did kill the heir to the Bolton family which murdered a lot of their people. Manderly even explicitly says “He avenged the Red Wedding”.

Yeah for someone who says they write about this show, they are pretty ignorant or willfully dumb about it.

Live your own life but don’t expect other’s to live it with you. You want to be gay? Go ahead. Doesn’t mean the Church has to change it’s rules and beliefs to fit you in now. Same with any business. They don’t want your business, they don’t need your business. You have no right to force others to do anything they

Oh that’s funny. Black person accusing white guy of racism while writing on a black’s only website. Pot meet Kettle.

We know you’re a baby murdering asshole. Thanks for playing.

I’m sure they’ll be quite welcome to honeymoon in Mecca.

So some dumb idiot who was breaking the law got hurt. Boo fucking hoo. Next time don’t do stupid shit.

How would that be any better?

Remember how by 2012 all the polar ice caps were going to melt. Or how we had until 2014 to ‘save the planet’ according to you idiots. Repeating bullshit like this is funny to anyone with a brain. So sorry you idiots believe this shit.

Round up and other products by Monsanto and their competitors are the prime reason why there are no mass famines anymore. Pesticides, GMO’s and modern farming techniques mean we can get 200 bushels/acre for corn where we used to get 30-40. So fuck off with the anti-science hippie bullshit and start thanking Monsanto

Ah Patrick. The only one being owned here is you and your terrible opinions.

You exercised your free speech. You were found to be an asshole that your employer didn’t want to be associated with anymore. They used their free speech to send you out on your ass.

You don’t know what Combine’s cost do you?

Because it was done by an illegal immigrant and so this will be quickly swept under the rug.

As is The Root’s custom and policies you only get part of the actual story. The woman wanted a white Doctor because the last doctors that ‘treated’ her kid were incompetent boobs who couldn’t even speak clear English. So sue the poor woman who only wanted to get her kid better. It shouldn’t be that hard to find a

Stop white knighting. No one will accept you as you are white.

Fuck off you racist piece of shit.

You complain about white people only caring about white people on a black only blog. Cognitive dissonence isn’t your strong suit huh?

Poor baby did you read something that upset you. Go cry to mommy bitch.

You’re a racist asshole, we get it. No need to keep posting and proving the point. The horse is dead, stop beating it.