Hey look, it’s another racist asshole. Place is full of them.
Hey look, it’s another racist asshole. Place is full of them.
Supporting racists isn’t supposed to be a liberal behaviour. It is a Democrat one though.
What do you know, even liberals don’t want their kids being called racist for being white. Fuck off Monique take your racist grievances with you.
So woman in a house of children threatens cops with a knife and the cops are supposed to what exactly? Leave and let the crazy woman kill some kids? Get stabbed and die? Her actions got her killed. The end. Hopefully the kids get better role models for their next guardians.
We know. You can’t be reasoned with.
Please there are lots of people still old enough to remember 2000-2008 and 1980-1992. Democrats and democrat voters spend the Republican years calling the President Hitler and the like. It’s what you do. Now your rhetoric is getting politicians shot. No one hates like a liberal.
because when the democrats are in power the Republicans act civily and don’t need to be told how to behave.
You can’t own body movements.
Stop Appropriating our language you racist bigot. Speak your own tongue.
Fine, goes both ways. Indians can stop using White People’s inventions and clothing and medicine and technology and everything that raised them from savages to the people they are now. You can keep your shitty art and stories we’ll keep modern society.
Cool story, no facts though. Sessions dunked all over the Dems and made them his bitch. Gotta hurt you that your whole world view is collapsing before your eyes and there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it but whine to retards on the internet.
No democrats should own guns. This much is clear.
You’re an asshole. Your side has sought to undermine and divide this country and your rhetoric and media cheerleaders have sought to nullify national elections and create the atmosphere where this crazy retard thought it was a good idea to shoot conservative politicians. And you cheer him on. Get help. You are a sick…
The crazed left strikes again. Tired of beating up speakers on college campuses the retards are now shooting politicians. Great work guys, your hate is going to get people killed.
Asshole tried being funny and got what he had coming to him. A stint in jail for assault seems about right too.
He’s dunking all over the democrats and their hopes and dreams right now.
Screw that, have them play all 41 games outdoors in the new Braves stadium. Outdoor games are all the rage these days.
He was right then and he’s right now.
When he’s the only on of 80 guys on the sideline sitting, yeah he’s fucking drawing attention to himself.
As you libs harp on constantly when trying to get a conservative fired. Kap has free speech. He’s free to make whatever political stance he has known. This is just the free market telling him he’s an asshole and isn’t worth the bother no matter his talent level. Deal with it fuckheads.