
So the actual facts seem to be this woman refused to comply with the request to turn down the noise after several minutes and requests. It was this, not the fact that she’s black which led to her arrest.

So cool he puts liberal orthodoxy and political fads over the health and well being of his son. Great job.

Again with the projection. Bye stalker.

Ask them why they don’t come out of the stone age and give up this superstitious shit? Maybe stop killing kids at pop music concerts and beating their women who show their hair too. Baby steps.

Someone’s bitter about their lot in life. Sorry life didn’t turn out the way you hoped.

C’mon what are you some kinda racist? Everyone knows a white man is to blame for this somehow.

People who comment on other’s dick size are usually hiding something. Sorry you got the short end of genetics.

Sorry you are an unemployable cocksucker.

See, the joke is the guy is a faggot so he’ll like prison rape. Get it??

Kessel won the cup last year so...

It is standard for cases where there is no proof or chance of redress. The best this racist can hope for is the far left echo chamber rallying to her cause.

Diva pagent chick seeking more attention now that the pagent days are done. Office work wasn’t fun for her I guess.

I hope you get raped in prison. You’d probably like that though.

Ahh poor baby had to read something that they didn’t like??? find your safe space crybaby.

No one believes this shit right? This is an accused criminal’s justification nothing more. This is only her version not what actually happened. Nice race baiting you fucking racist.

Perhaps you consider kid murdering muslims ‘winners’? Christ, these fuckers kill kids at a concert and you’re more concerned about Trump’s language? Nice priorities fuckhead.

The mistake is pandering to the mentally ill instead of treating them.

Imagine being a freshman girl told they have to shower with a person who has a penis? Just to pander to a deluded kid and their parents mental problems.

I’m sure all you fuckers who think our kids should have to change in front of the other sex would have loved doing so yourselves in school. Stop virtue signalling and use your fucking heads for once. You childless fuckers should just stop trying to fuck with our kids.

Throw it in the garbage and eat something better.