The Democrats changed the rules in the first place. This is blowback from their overreach. Enjoy that.
The Democrats changed the rules in the first place. This is blowback from their overreach. Enjoy that.
Except for the vote tally nothing you wrote is true you fucking witless hack.
How many dead babies will it take for them to be satisfied?
Dead babies from choking on Sarin gas isn’t enough to rouse you pussies? Fuck you Burneko you piece of shit.
This is the most error ridden and dumbest article on Deadspin and this site still employs Burneko and Hamilton so that’s saying a lot.
You are a racist piece of shit. No wonder your life is so shitty.
Get a job pothead.
God forbid she leave the leftist reservation and have a thought of her own. You racists are fucked in the head.
How about the fucking constitution and the primacy of Federal laws above all your pissant city and local by-laws. Read the constitution moron. You might learn something.
Go fuck yourself, you are a child rapist enabler.
So the person who’s livlihood depends on law breakers thinks it’s ok to break the law. Ok, sure. Good one genius.
Go celebrate with your illegal alien buddies. Maybe they’ll let you join in on their raping 14 year olds fetish. You seem to like it.
Do you make less than your male co-workers at Univision or whatever conglomerate bought Gawker? The only ‘wage gap’ that exists is women work different jobs than men. They take more time off than men. They work less hours than men. Then you complain they don’t make as much when facts are that women working the same…
14 year olds being raped by illegal immigrants isn’t some myth, they’re a person. Fuck you.
Lazy cops not wanting to enforce the laws they are given because it is against their political views. Big deal. Fire them and find cops willing to enforce the laws. The actual criminals include the millions in the US illegally. Round them up, deport them and watch the crime numbers drop.
One 14 year old raped is too many. Fuck you, you illegal alien rapist enabler. If that rapist wasn’t allowed to stay in the country thanks to bleeding hearts like you, that girl wouldn’t have been raped. Your open border policies led to this. So fuck you and fuck the rest of your ilk for your abetting these crimes.
He made his stand and now no one wants to associate with him. He had his free speech. The 32 NFL teams are exercising their’s. There is no right to an NFL job. No matter how much you cry and whine and virtue signal.
Did he do it before? No. It was 100% for publicity. Believing otherwise makes you a retard.
Then change the fucking laws. Yes, some are dumb and idiotic but the cop’s only job is to enforce the law. If the law’s an ass, change it. There’s a long fucking way from the laws you list and people illegally staying in the US and using tax resources while they shouldn’t be in the country in the first place. Plus…
Stop aiding and abetting criminals and due your duty as an American citizen? Of course the lawyer doesn’t want you to obey the law. How else would he get clients?