I'm actually a cat

*runs in with last minute copy for press* Kushner’s number has been called, too!

Y’all, Pence just hired private counsel.

Reading this kinda shit dulls my senses in a way I can only describe as “previously unachievable in sobriety”.   

Hopefully us not knowing much about them = they grew up in relative normalcy/away from the public eye (not in the SciTy hellpit way) = they are now healthy and happy 20-somethings.

Ugh, I didn’t know. For some reason I misremembered “Nic -and kids- leave Tom and church”. So he had custody until they turned 18? All this time in that fucking cult. Jesus.

How are Nic’s kids in their 20s?! How is it that you only see the passage of time in other people?

This seems like a good time to reinvent myself as an international dairy and cigarette dealer.

Same. One long weekend I would take to the grave.

*unfolds map, grabs markers*

That seems like a perfectly Kevin Spacey thing to do and I love it. He knows everyone gossips about his sexuality; he’s played queer characters for decades and been in the Hollywood rumor mill his entire professional life. He doesn’t owe the public ANY details about his personal life and he knows it! To me this does

Ha! I had to google to understand the reference—it was 1000% worth it:

Moratorium on the use of the word “females” in instances meant to refer to women.

Kangaroo court getting serious! 11 bitcoins = ~$33,000

This is o*by far* my favorite thing I’ve learned today. Thank you :D

Not bad! I probably would have bought one, tbh *shrugs*

I’m read the hell outta this eventual memoir

Stuff all that into a lucite heel and you have a Guy Fieri masterpiece—brava!

Yes! It’s about $50/kit OTC. You can also contact harm reduction centers to request free kits online. Awesome resource is: