Montana polls are closed. I’ve never been to Montana but I’ve chewed my nails down to the quick waiting for results to come in. We’re all in this together; good luck up there, y’all <3
Montana polls are closed. I’ve never been to Montana but I’ve chewed my nails down to the quick waiting for results to come in. We’re all in this together; good luck up there, y’all <3
Thanks for taking the time to craft this very concise and well-writ explanation re: why the trump’s speech today 1) was incredibly insulting to allies 2) reaffirmed for a world audience that he is astonishingly unfit for his job 3) displayed not only a complete lack of diplomacy, but even the dignity to feign it,…
This rings too true. The man doesn’t know where Israel is located. I don’t want to know what he thought Montenegro was before he watched his Amgry Old White Man tv shows after the NATO dinner.
Perfect 👌
Shhh, now—Rule #2 of Decrepit Old Hag Club! No one can know we are savvy to fun things and secretly participate in them. ;)
Oh god, it’s true! But what do we call this new genre? High Satire? Absurdism?
No problem! And yeah, I think it’s normal! At least it makes sense to me, the escapism of it. The pre-teen obsession is a good way to describe it—because all said and done, (most) fantasy crushes are pretty innocent vices to indulge in, you know?
Yes! The book is much different than the show; it’s written in a loose narrative form around the letters that Chris (AND Sylvére!!!) wrote to Dick. I thought Kathryn Hahn nailed Chris’s self-characterization during that period of her life. And Jill Soloway’s touch is evident by the inclusion of cool queer characters…
Every time I read/hear/see an interview with Kevin Bacon I am just charmed to death! He seems like such a nice, “normal” guy.
I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see this!😂 I never had trouble eating them but they always wrecked my GI system the next day.
This is delightful! Maybe (probably?) bc I don’t have kids and live in a world where expletives are part and parcel of conversation, but “butt” is kinda funny. Plus “butt”-swears (e.g., buttsniffer! buttface!) are unexpected and therefore fun to use in place of regular ones.
I do, too. I have never seen the original, and yet somehow I *think* I know how this ends for the soldier!
Damn, eagle eye! Nice catch—and agreed, that IS a travesty. Especially if (and probably because) he commands a higher salary :/
YES. Every time I watch Harlots (so good), I wonder which other shows/movies helmed by and focusing on women I’m missing. There aren’t enough of them. Hidden Figures was a breath of fresh air, for sure. I also liked Good Girls Revolt (stupid name, great true story), but it was cancelled right as it crescendoed.
⭐️Visibility boost⭐️
No idea, but I’d be surprised if the woman from the linked article is a 1%-er :/ I’d hazard to suggest the head-in-the-sand thing is an inelegant coping mechanism many of the trump’s supporters are probably employing. It will prob work, too—because when he strips them of their insurance or they can’t make the…
I love campy movies (and TV) because it’s interactive viewing! You look for playful things, nods to past/current events, and hidden gems the whole time you’re watching it.
Reminds me of those old sexual harassment seminars, where at the end volunteers would awkwardly role play various scenarios. There was this sense of: y’all think this is awkward and funny to watch in a controlled environment with consenting parties? Cool, cool. That doesn’t seem to bode well for any women in the…
I think about this often: can we collectively wave that tradition goodbye yet? Seeing more blush and pastels recently, at least. But for all the talk of how “all eyes are on the bride/it’s the biggest day of your life/blah blah THE DRESSSSSS”—seems like there should be more options in what color the damn thing can be…
Oooh, the purple dress as wedding dress would be amazing (love colorful wedding dresses)!