Still-Celia is Neverfuckingvotingforhillsxo

*Uncivilized Woman’s Club Meets Here

Indeed. This poor woman is dead because she was trying to open the door for police. They just shot first. Abhorrent policing policies must be changed.

etchings and chill

For the record, I’m refusing to spend Christmas with Madonna as well.

He’s fifteen. I think he’s old enough to decide which parent he wants to live with. Can’t they come to an understanding where Rocco can start living in London and maybe going to school there but he would agree to go see his mother during the summer and during breaks?

As a child of divorce, I can tell you, no matter who the kid wants to stay with one parent is bound to get their feelings hurt.

I hope she goes blind, like that other anti-health insurance guy, who would not have gone blind if he just has health insurance.

There was a story in NPR about the election of this dude and how he was going to (or did) end the ACA Medicare expansion enacted by the previous governor.

Yeah, unfertilized embryo is not a thing. It’s either an egg, or, once fertilized, an embryo. I respect journalists, because they do a thing I am totally incompetent at, but at the same time when most journalists try to use scientific terms or analyze recent studies, it’s just... a bit off.

Actually.... (wink wink)


Teenagers can be capricious and utterly without mercy.

I agree. Not that I could have my alcoholic mother watch my kids, but it still makes me mad to think about all the help she got and that I don’t get any from her. My maternal grandmother practically raised my brother and I until we were 8 and 6 and my mom moved us across the country. Almost all of my early childhood

Hugs to you! You’re certainly not alone in your holiday dread. I still haven’t told my family I’m not coming to Christmas anything, but the long-distance guilt trip will be far easier to manage than the alternative. Just think, this time on Saturday, we will have a whole YEAR before we have to dread the holidays again!

You’re not alone.

Sigh......articles like this, especially this time of year, bum me the fuck out. Living further away from my mom has given me the freedom to not be responsible for her inability to function as an adult. I won’t even pretend to act like I’m not insanely jealous of women who have good relationships with their moms.

*Live near your mother and be subject to bad memories again and again.

I think all too often medical professionals write off poor people in pain as drug seekers.

or maybe she had an ongoing problem that wasn’t properly diagnosed or treated. This time it killed her.

The best part is seriously that it's from shutterfly.