Sounds good. I'll check it out but I'm not sure off the top of my head if it's available in the UK.
Sounds good. I'll check it out but I'm not sure off the top of my head if it's available in the UK.
It’s amazing to me the way Right Wing paranoia plays right into Daesh’s plans and as a byproduct strengthens their anti-West rhetoric.
If i wasn’t act work I would post the video of the Chris Rock bit about bullets being $1,000 each and how that would reduce drive by shootings.
How have you had 3 accidental pregnancies? After the first 1 or 2, you think you’d realize you need better birth control.
My doctor swore to me when I got my tubal that they would “cauterize the tubes to the point of no return”. He better be right.
what do you do for contraception if you don’t know what you want?
A thousand times this. I’m super happy an accidental pregnancy turned out ok for a reasonably well-off white woman. For most of us, an accidental pregnancy would really fuck us over; physically, financially, and mentally.
Not to scare you more but to help make you aware: it can fail. :/
Me too. I have an IUD, my husband had a vasectomy, and yet my mother still says in her sing song gramma voice “you never know, accidents could happen! I know lots of ladies who got pregnant in spite of IUD or vasectomy! Tee hee hee!” *fist punch of death*
This is reading really privilege-y to me. There are some who have the privilege of accidental pregnancies being okay, or even welcomed. If that’s you, then don’t get an IUD. No one is making women get IUDs if they don’t want them.
“dribbles before he shoots”
oh fucking ew.
These discussions are always so focused on ourselves. Pregnancy by definition involves multiple people (a partner in reproduction who also consents to becoming a parent, a future child). Creating a whole new human being shouldn’t be a matter of “whoops”, and there’s no reason to be nostalgic about a time when it more…
My impression of MLP fandom is that there’s an element of snark/satire/subversion in it. Marvel (and other comics-based fandoms) and SW, while being largely kid-friendly, are still pretty adult-oriented and centered around “mature” issues and action. By contrast, the overwhelming majority of Disney stuff is all…
Except I’m not buying Prince Eric from the Little Mermaid is a top. He looks like a screaming bottom to me.
For real. I don’t know any Disney Obsessed Adults (DOAs??) who I would consider normal, functional, members of society. They’re all at the very least a little off.
I like Disney cartoons. I would enjoy a trip to the Magic Kingdom. But like, at a normal level. There’s always a bunch of weirdos hanging about ready to make kind-of-fun things into something totally gross.
My aunt is Disney obsessed. I really like her but I feel like it might be some kind of personality disorder.
I'm so weirded out by adult Disney obsessives
My God, I am sorry. Do you have children? Do you have any money? You need to get tested for STD’s before the week is out, O.K.? Go to Planned Parenthood if your regular doctor cannot see you. Call your girlfriends! Men rarely leave relationships until they have started another one, which likely means he has been…
Internet hugs from a stranger. He, quite clearly, does not deserve YOUR loyalty.