Still-Celia is Neverfuckingvotingforhillsxo

This is like the coolest article title ever.

I know we are all probably still traumatized by the Lindsey Lohan biopic, but I would watch the ever-loving hell out of Dallas Buyers Club 2: White Diamonds.

That’s what I thought! He was still a freaking baby when he was killed, and nobody will ever justify his shooting. Nobody.

When I was a kid I wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer SO BADLY MORE THAN ANYTHING.

Right? I would also never invite coworkers from 20 years ago unless we were super duper close friends.

I would never, ever invite people I knew as a child to my wedding. They obviously haven’t kept in touch. No big deal. Not a thing. #teamolsentwin

There was an interview with David Simon, creator of “The Wire”, after the Freddie Grey murder. He was a reporter for the Baltimore Sun for years, knows the life like the back of his hand, and they asked him why he thought none of the black officers intervened. He said sometimes black officers are even more aggressive

I fully expected him to say something like, “we all need 2 fukk til the whole world is 1 color” sounds like something he’d say.

this is what nightmares are made of, truly.

Yeah, I’m totally kidding about the Mary Poppins part. Sorry.


My family is the poor relations on my dad’s side. It’s weird and awkward sometimes, but my parents are also the most happily and longest married couple. And I never set fire to things or had to go to rehab as a child. So we still feel like we win!

Indeed, even my own family members (cousins the same age) compare themselves to me and feel superior. They were able to save to buy a house by their late twenties because their parents paid for them. I was working two jobs in college to pay the bills and have been self sufficient since I was 20, so now at 34 I am

This makes so much sense. And if people like this are unwilling to recognize informal financial help from their parents as real and actual help—the kind that counts—it’s no wonder that they’re also unwilling to notice and acknowledge informal racism (and other forms of oppression) as real. You know, the kind of

My handle is LeMindymoo in case you want to follow me.

Tee hee!

Ruler for internet trolls and gun nuts

You want to know something? For YEARS I seriously thought the store was just called “lulemon” like I never noticed the extra lu or the fact that the word lemon is supposed to be involved (maybe?) I seriously never looked at the name of the store long enough to actually learn its for real name.