Still-Celia is Neverfuckingvotingforhillsxo

Men's biggest fear about online dating: a fat chick.

This pisses me off. My mom is Wiccan and we actually had a Samhain (Wiccan New Year) celebration this weekend. Although I personally am an Atheist, I really respect the religion of Wicca and the people that TRULY follow it and know about it. Wiccans don't believe in the Devil. They believe in a God and a Goddess.

Let's just get the obvious out of the way and say "this would've been more believable if she claimed she was simply a confused Methodist."

What are you talking about? Dogs love eating shit.


Aside from the lip situation, which is crazy, she's kinda giving me Brittany Murphy here. That's weird.

Do you have a employee handbook? Because if you haven't been holding to the policies, you need to start. Sit her down, explain the policy, and lay out the consequences, whatever they are. Then follow through.

Fuck sports. Fuck them. Im sorry, sports-loving Jezzies. But I have no desire to put on my Cool Girl face and pretend to love them. Playing them can be okay. But the watching and the fandom? Boring as all hell and completely ridiculous and inexplicable.

I'd go with the "lay down the law" route and tell her exactly what's required and expected ... or else. 18 is pretty young, and it sounds like she just isn't taking it seriously. She needs to know that her missing shifts constitute hardship for her coworkers. You wouldn't be doing her any favors by mollycoddling her —

Wednesday, we had to take in our oldest sheltie to be put to sleep. He was approx. 16, blind, deaf, wobbly, and – as of this week – incontinent. Up until recently, he still seemed to be digging his comfy life.

I thought Tolkien-ism was when the only black people in your story are a fundamentally evil, inhuman race created by using dark magic on noble white people, who work as servants for the BigBadAsshole. Oh, and the only brown people in your story are "wicked men from the east" who also happily work as mercenaries for

Last night I actually fell asleep really quickly and soundly, which is rare for me even when I haven't been reading scary shit. To the point where when I woke up in the middle of the night because I was too hot and had to pee, I was almost disoriented. Got up and am sitting in the bathroom thinking 'wow, I had no

This is the closest thing I have to a ghost story. It isn't scary, but it is haunting.

When my parents divorced, my mom had the stones from her (non-heirloom) engagement ring re-set into a necklace for me. She gave it to me on my 16th. :)

It's my opinion that this kind of pragmatism is the foundation of wonderful long term relationships. Best of luck to you!

So I told what I thought was the one story I had that was spooky story worthy. But then this happened over Christmas:

I truly don't know why I subject myself to this thread every year.

Water is so basic.

men who would like to talk about that one time someone was mean to them on the internet, you can bring it right here. no need to clutter up the comment section.