Actually the sink looks like it came out of the Disney Roman Bordello collection BUT the glaring contrast with the softsoap is no less egregious. If you're going to go all Louis XXXVIIth on your bathroom, at least get soap to match.
Actually the sink looks like it came out of the Disney Roman Bordello collection BUT the glaring contrast with the softsoap is no less egregious. If you're going to go all Louis XXXVIIth on your bathroom, at least get soap to match.
Like a stealth ninja of justice, the United States Supreme Court just announced that it won't be hearing appeals to gay marriage cases in Utah, Oklahoma, Virginia, Indiana and Wisconsin, effectively legalizing same sex unions in all of those states. Somewhere, Rick Santorum screams into a knotted sheet.
Ha! I open my own jars!
It is legal for any two consenting adults to marry just across state lines in Iowa...which is also where the Barilla factory is. You remember Barilla? Their CEO hates gays.
But, a donation was just made to PP in Reince Priebus' name.
I like that. Someone needs to set up an OBGYN scholarship in his name for medical students who promise to provide abortion and other reproductive services in undeserved areas.
Another day, another Planned Parenthood donation. Keep it up, Republicans. (actually, please don't, I'm running out of money) But, a donation was just made to PP in Reince Priebus' name.
Aww, compassionate conservatives. Because if there's one thing the American people are nostalgic for, it's George W. Bush.
Let's see if I have my Republican Bullshit Bingo card filled out yet...
My very Catholic grandfather's answer to dangerous pregnancies and instances when the mother does not want to be pregnant is: "God gave us a tool in cases like these: it's called an abortion."
Miscarriage only happens in the case of legitimate rape. We shut that right down. Everyone knows that.
Plus, if children are a "gift from god", what the hell does that make miscarriages, or pregnancies that endanger the mother? "PSYCH!! SORRYNOTSORRY."
Somebody should tranq them and put a fertilized egg up their ass. Let them carry it up to term.
Yeah, I mean, at school I remember during our sex ed our headmistress telling all us girls "the school will help you, even if you need to keep it secret, I will drive you to the abortion clinic if that's what you want, we will provide you with flexible study if you keep it, you are our priority." So grateful I grew up…
Trolls will be coming out in force. IGNORE THEM. DO NOT FEED.
When I was a kid my parents said Nick News was the Liberal Media's plot to brainwash the youth of America to follow the insidious Liberal Agenda and they didn't let me watch it.
I think it varies widely - some people don't truly know their sexuality until well into adulthood. And then there's also conditioning - what you feel is normal, when you realize you're *not* normal, etc.
I was definitely a gay kid. As in gay from the start hey look that kid goan be GAY gay. It's definitely something that's noticeable in some kids really early on and I along with several guys I've met in my life knew we were "different" from our early memories on. You may not realize what that difference is until…
You mean, BenGHEYzi.
They have to leave some time open for Benghazi