Still-Celia is Neverfuckingvotingforhillsxo

I loved being single. I loved being married with no kids. I love my kids. Being married with kids is fucking exhausting. Sometimes someone does that “ if you were ever widowed. Would you remarry.....” HELL FUCKING NO I WOULD NOT. White furniture and giant nightgowns ahoy. I’ll take one dog and two cats pls.

I think a real part of the problem is all the nerve damage from doing it three times. It's very jarring to feel like this part of me is there but not there and look in mirror and see..a lot going on. Sometimes it looks horrible to me and sometimes less. Hopefully now that I am done nursing I'll lose more of the

I saw this and she looks perfect.

I did, until I had kids and now I NEED THE DARK. Three C sections were not kind.

I spent a decade studying and working to get to a good spot in my career and then blam. The recession. I only got to have my dream job and pay for less than a year. It was impossible to find a job. I ended up in a job that paid half what I had made. Yaaaay. You will find something. Go check out Mister Money Mustache

Obama is so good with children, I love to see it, hopefully he gets the opportunity to be an awesome grandpa. Cuteness Forecast- High.

I'm taking them out and buying them a bribe tomorrow if he does not come home. A big old bribe.

I had coffee with brandy. Ugh. My husband left yesterday for Virgina and won't be home til probably late tomorrow. The children have been quite..peppy. I'm soooo tired. I still have to run laundry and change my sheets.

i know the police are murderers with amnesty and all the morals of hired mercenaries ( sorry to defame you, mercenaries. At least you don’t beat people for fun). Hell yes I’d take my chances with regular people over those monsters. Normally I’d dismiss you, as I know you are a troll, but fuck the police and fuck you

So hard, but I had a cat sneak off to the basement and die alone while we were singing Christmas carols and that haunts me far more than my other poor darlings. The vet told me some people don't stay and I can't imagine. I can't.

oh hell no, that won’t happen. The only things I could think of are maybe taking their guns away and giving them tasers and maybe livestreaming their cameras.

Yeah. What would that even do? The only way they’ll stop shooting people is if they don’t have guns. I can’t see how they can be rehabilitated. I can’t see what the president could do that would change police brutality in a...way that was more than a gesture.

One of our cats was special needs and we looooooved him. Loooove. <3

No. Hell no. And not just because I'd be fucking a goat( which, NO) but because no man is worth fucking a goat for. I was fine and happy single, I'm fine and happy married and if goat pnv was a requirement I'd be juuuust fine alone.

If you can handle it, fostering sometimes gives you the fun of a pet but not the permanent responsibility.

My family member did this. :(

Ugh. It’s actually on Twitter that I got bye felicia’d. I’m not looking. I like Bernie, if he doesn't get nominated I'll hold my nose and vote for her. And probably stay off social media so I don't throw up.

I don’t know, I have seem some incredible assholery from Clinton supporters that I personally have yet to see from Sanders supporters. I was at the point of being like FUCK HER I’M NOT VOTING FOR HER IF SHE GETS THE NOMINATION and then I was like hold up, she's not responsible for these random extremists. Anybody in

We loved them til their last breath. It really made me less afraid of dying. I'm crying too though because I miss those little brats.

That makes me berserk, we’ve owned three third hand cats that idiots adopted. One of ours we found starving and full of ear mites, living on landscaping bark. The vet said she was close to death when we brought her in, we fixed her up and found her a home, but she cried the whole time, so she came back to us, she's