Still-Celia is Neverfuckingvotingforhillsxo

I am picturing this phone call, so many awesome scenarios. This is very kind of her.

I’m sending it back. Hang in.

I liked my option for an abruption at home with my children.

He can fuck directly off to fuck it town and be slowly roasted for eternity.

I just wanted to add that whatever you have to do to protect yourself is fair game. I hid my third pregnancy from everyone that did not literally see me. I was too emotionally precarious

They don’t care.

I am so sorry. I had a missed miscarriage and it was so terrible. It’s too graphic to talk about. But it changed out whole marriage and I was very depressed for at least a year. Then I had two very high risk and one kinda risky pregnancy. I got my tubes tied because I can’t ever put myself or my family through that

A true and shameful story is that I knew I was pregnant when a Macklemore song made me cry. I changed my plans and drove right to the drug store. Bingo.

I feel that way about Taylor Swift.

Holy Shitsnacks.


Me too. I even gave up on underwear. Which is dicey as hell when you are peeing your pants occasionally. So bad. So bad. Bras. Pants. I had some workhorses I wore through three pregnancies and I could not replace them. I mean, I guess if money was no object and I had had two brain cells to rub together I could maybe

Also, congratulations!

It’s not as bad with the first because your body is less stretchy. I am sad to report though that instead of the baby stretching out fat so you get a nice tummy, you get a nice tummy and the rando stuff hangs out underneath. In hiding.


Maybe them, but my husband is always afraid to stay home, his job takes absenteeism very seriously and his ass would be fired if it happened more than two or three times a year.

I was able to find nightgown robe sets when I looked at nursing pajamas. My mom found them and gave them to me. They were from Motherhood.

I bought a 2X from Lands End, and it fit mostly?

That sounds really pretty. And I bet you won’t look dated in twenty years either.

Merciful Jesus Christ. WHAT DID YOU DO