Still-Celia is Neverfuckingvotingforhillsxo

So bad. So bad. I had 1 dress, four pairs of pants and probably that many tops.

Real pain is plus sized maternity pain. Try and find clothes that fit. In a store. Good luck. I had like five things.

The first time we had infertility treatment and that was just the lucky one. None of my kids sleep through the night til over a year, so probably took that long to catch up on sleep. NOT HAPPENING THIS MARCH, MAH DRAWBRIDGE IS CLOSED.

Pink eye, they had that two months ago. Ugh. I am so so so sosossooooo THANKFUL we did not lose power because if I had not been able to do wash it would have been a disaster.

Mine will be 2,4, and 6 in March. I keep sending my husband texts and frankly I would not blame him if he volunteered for OT.

While not a man, my husband and I agree that if your children seem in the slightest bit ill, go ANYWHERE before the storm and get that shit checked out. Do not just call your dr and ask if you should go in. Do not do this. We spent the storm in a three day whirl ( that continues today) of mucus and vomit and laundry

That looks like some Grade A pandering to loonies in a bid to run for reelection as King of the Turdnoggins.

Maybe they could treat it like when telemarketers won’t leave you alone.

I am fucking SMIRKING UP THE JOINT. Please please please PLEASE PLEASE let us have a democrat win the presidency so a certain person I know explodes in a showery fire of anger. PLEASE I AM NICE AND DO NOT ASK FOR MUCH

Mmm, I have dyscalculia. He gets very frustrated because he likes to take different routes but I can’t deviate from the gps. I am very careful to praise effort though, I have had to stop many people from telling him he is smart and remind them to praise his effort. . I read the articles about that. Fortunately his

Well, I’m 42. Bill Clinton was the first president I ever voted for. I am old enough now to understand better that the media can pretty much paint you how they want to, but I have an underlying distrust for them. Both of them. It’s never going to change.

Do you get very frustrated with your parent? I married an engineer and I have a math learning disability. My five year old is already an even match with me on puzzles and he gets very frustrated with my inability to deviate from the gps, and how I cannot build Legos so they look exactly like the picture. I am great in

I am pretty. sure Daddy Adventure Day does not explicitly state a sex. The child is probably meant to be a boy but I think it could pass. I also like that the child is tan colored. It is hard.

I like to swap pronouns when possible. I was actually discussing heteronormative pressure with my five year old this week. You might like the Mighty Girl website, it has a lot of resources. I had two boys and then a girl and I tried really hard to keep things....not too shitty?

I HATE Curious George. What even. That book is awful.

I like The Slot, I would prefer to vote for Bernie, I do think Hills is basically Republican but I would still vote for her. Begrudgingly.

That kid on the end does not even look like his clothes fit. Look at the pockets.

Personally, I would keep that thing and then troll the Golden Globes forever.

I feel like that goes without saying.

Have you noticed that Pampling woman’s eyes look like the emperor’s in Star Wars? NOT A COINCIDENCE