Dual Citizen Kane

I don't know. It's only Tuesday. So I'm hopeful but also so scared about what's to come.

Callie, I agree completely with your comment. If you see this reply, I hope I express myself well. My initial reaction seeing the words "it's so much harder to exist as a woman on the internet" is to recoil. This is partly a more general reaction, I think, to "it's so much harder to exist [in space x] as [member of

Once upon a time I was a forum moderator. Blocking IP addresses, email addresses, and usernames were available tools and we did not hesitate. People kept coming. Discourse kept happening. Still is, I just don't moderate there any longer.

I feel like that excuse is the cowards way out instead of simply saying "lol no1curr" because how, exactly, are rape .gifs and rape threats ~discourse~?

At pretty much every blogging job I've ever had, I've been told (by male managers) that it'd be a death sentence to moderate comments and block IP addresses, because it "shuts down discourse" and guts traffic. But no one's ever shown me any actual numbers that support that claim. Does anyone have any? Not that I think

This is why all gifs should not be banned.

Truth. Just look at all the backlash Jessica Valenti got for asking a very simple, straightforward question about tampons! That was literally a simple request for information and she got so much shit for it.

The entire point of your post was factually inaccurate and existed only to shift attention from a real issue to a fake one. Idiot isn't hateful in that case, it's descriptive.

As someone who works in the restaurant business, this is not surprising. People can barely order off the menu.

Besides being a professional hero, Ira Glass has that sort of virile-nerdy vibe going that is super attractive. Reminds me of David Tennant in the best possible way.

It's frustrating, because I want to give her all of my money, but she just doesn't want it anymore.

Ohhhhhhh, I was wondering why you seemed so familiar, and then I looked at your comment history — it's because you're a GTer operating under a burner account. Fuck off, you coward.

But it's probably the same amount of effort, or close to it. If you're going to chop things up and throw them into a salsa you could just chop things up FOR a salsa...

So, if you're buying a jar of salsa, then going to a farmer's market to buy fresh ingredients to add to the salsa, why wouldn't you just buy all the ingreidents to make the salsa yourself? It isn't like some super secret complex prcoess and you're already spending nearly as much money and effort anyway.

I've been involved in compost discussions in the gardening forums since 2002. That info graphic promotes the superstition and ignorance held over since the 1930s when Rodale first came to the public forefront. For example...

if you are a rich asshole go read another blog.

You know Cobain would have told anyone hating on this to fuck off.