As someone who works in the restaurant business, this is not surprising. People can barely order off the menu.
As someone who works in the restaurant business, this is not surprising. People can barely order off the menu.
Besides being a professional hero, Ira Glass has that sort of virile-nerdy vibe going that is super attractive. Reminds me of David Tennant in the best possible way.
It's frustrating, because I want to give her all of my money, but she just doesn't want it anymore.
Ohhhhhhh, I was wondering why you seemed so familiar, and then I looked at your comment history — it's because you're a GTer operating under a burner account. Fuck off, you coward.
But it's probably the same amount of effort, or close to it. If you're going to chop things up and throw them into a salsa you could just chop things up FOR a salsa...
So, if you're buying a jar of salsa, then going to a farmer's market to buy fresh ingredients to add to the salsa, why wouldn't you just buy all the ingreidents to make the salsa yourself? It isn't like some super secret complex prcoess and you're already spending nearly as much money and effort anyway.
I've been involved in compost discussions in the gardening forums since 2002. That info graphic promotes the superstition and ignorance held over since the 1930s when Rodale first came to the public forefront. For example...
The working link is…
You know Cobain would have told anyone hating on this to fuck off.
Wow, why so subtle? That woman you just met on the bus really just wants to see your dick!
Hi, just breezing through here. Didn't read the article but wanted to comment on the picture. That woman would be so much prettier if she just smiled. Anyway, I'm heading to the gym now to hit on the women while they're trying to work out. I think I'm going to ask the hot blonde I have a crush on to smile for me…
Yes, in some ways, the use of the gloves contributes to cross-contamination. I used to work in a deli years ago and I would see this all the time. I actually tried to change my gloves more often, but the management would get upset at the number of gloves I was going through, lol. I actually was told to stop and that I…
This gloves thing is such BS. People put on the gloves, touch something filthy, continue using the gloves. It is actually grosser than bare hands.
...and, do you eat spaghetti and mashed potatoes with your fingers and put catsup on your mashed after stirring your peas on them? When you do serve wine on a fancy occasion like the housewarming party for your new double-wide, to you buy the wine in the square box or the rectangular one?
Favour... can you post a link to the video that is viewable for us folks outside of the States?
So your tonsils have things called crypts on em, they sometimes get bits of food, post nasal drip etc stuck in them despite your best efforts, it's worse if you're an open mouth sleeper. They..uh...ferment? into awful white calculi that smell bad and make you gag.
Depends on what you're looking for. My friends and I fear becoming the "it's last call at the bar, haven't found anyone to go home with so I'll text so-and-so" girl. I literally sleep with my ringer off because I have two idiots who think I'm down for sexy-time with them at 2 am after not communicating with them for…
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A lot of this doesn't just apply to couples.