Alleged rape victim, sweetie. Alleged.
Alleged rape victim, sweetie. Alleged.
You're obviously free to believe he's guilty despite the utter lack of credible evidence to support that position.
Yes, assuming he or she committed it. Which of course, in this case, there is a distinct lack of credible evidence that said crime was actually committed.
Rape is the only crime we treat like this.
Really not impressed with this 'Despite a complete lack of credible evidence corroborating the accuser's statements WINSTON IS STILL TOTALLY PROBABLY MAYBE A RAPIST!' article.
Rape is the only crime in the world where insufficient evidence to proceed, an accuser recanting, or the accused being found not guilty leads to crazy people thinking 'oh but he's definitely guilty though. He only got away with it cause of teh patriarchiez!'
Hush sweetie, grownups are talking.
I don't have much of a problem with the sexual economics theory, because it derives as much of its reasoning from current observation of living, breathing humans in action as it does from theories of how humans evolved.
If 'female centric sociology' means womens studies then you are dead-fucking on.
Weird. Maybe it speaks so some kind of anxiety formed from a lack of attractive options in your area?
They get desperate to lock down a 'good one' cause there are so few?
Sadly, her position is one that many people share.
Right but we're not talking about that obviously false scenario, we're talking about your self-loathing as a result of your ugly vagina.
As I said in my other response, I'm pretty picky so it happens more than once. Not a ton, but occasionally.
Yes. Many.
To be fair, she is much, MUCH better looking than Rachel Maddow.
Sure thing hun. Tell my mom to take a picture, I want to see this horrific vagina for myself.
No, sorry. Maybe try Yahoo questions or something?
Sure thing hypocrite.
Maybe you should talk to a therapist and get over the negative feelings you have about your ugly vagina?
Thank you for telling all of us how we feel and act when confronted with a less than attractive set of genitals.